Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 18 - At The Brink...

Blitz ran up towards the officers, trying to get past them but one of them spotted him and went, “Just what on earth are you doing, kid?”

“My friend. I got to help my friend!” He said, trying to push his way pass but the officer held him back.

“Stop, you can’t do anything now! If you enter too recklessly, that crazy man will kill her.”

“I don’t care, just let me through! “ Blitz tried to barge his way but another officer held him. “Just calm down, kiddo.”

“Calm down, how can I calm down when my friend’s in danger?”

“Please, just stay calm.” The officer who’s restraining him pleaded. “I know how it feels when your friend’s in danger, but he haven’t kill her yet.”

“How can you be so sure that he won’t suddenly turn into a double headed snake?” Blitz stopped fighting with the officer.

Actually, I have no idea as well, but I can’t tell that to the kid, the officer thought. Instead, he said, ”I just know, okay, kiddo?”


“Let them go.”


“Why do you even bother taking them hostage?”

“They’re just an extra precaution.”

Luna did something brave then. She tugged at his jacket and said, “You’re evil, you know that? How can you be so cruel?”

“You don’t remember. Everyone back there is always tearing us apart.” Seymour said, facing her sapphire eyes which are burning with anger. “And even here too, that boy just have to interfere in everything.”

Both of them are sitting on a couch that is in the waiting area with the place barricaded with plastic chairs and the tables against the wall. About twenty or more people huddled close together, looking fearful.

“You want me right? Then let the others go and I’ll stay.”

Seymour regarded her with amusement. “If you have said that long time ago, I would’ve been happy to do so. But unfortunately, we’re in a different circumstances now.”

Luna raised her hand to slap him, except he caught her hand and said, “Beautiful… Those eyes burning with resolve. Those are the eyes that I wanted to see.” He then forced her hand down and held the Glock up. “But we are in the wrong world to be doing this.” He then pointed the Glock at the hostages, who gave a shriek and huddled closer. “Bring me one of your communication devices.”

Communication devices? Luna looked a momentarily stunned. Does he mean a cell phone???

One of the hostages went and placed a Blackberry on the table. Hard and black like a small rectangle with buttons all around its keypad. It’s really high-tech, with wireless connection and all.

He picked it up and said, “What a strange device.”

“Have you ever seen or used a Blackberry before?” Luna asked with sarcasm.

“To be frank, I don’t get along with technology.” Nevertheless, his fingers thumbed the keypad with ease and he waited for the call to get through.


The head officer jumped a mile when his communication radio buzzed. “You have a call. Would you like to answer it?” The computer voice asked pleasantly.

“Yes, please.”

The call was answered and a cold voice came down the line. “I don’t think I need to introduce myself.”

“What on earth do you want?”

Blitz, who had been brought over by the officers and is now being offered a cup of tea to soothe his nerves, asked the head. “Who is it?”

It’s him, the head mouthed.

Blitz nearly dropped his cup of tea as he went over to the head radio and yelled into the mouthpiece. “You SOB. What have you done with Luna?!”

“You.” The single word dripped like venomous toxic on the line.

“Let Luna go!”

“Shut up, boy. She’s mine, and in case you haven’t forgotten, I got some people held captive in here. It would be wise not to make me angry, otherwise my finger might slip and pull the trigger.”

“Kid, calm down. Let me try talking to him.” The head said soothingly but Blitz yelled some more in the mouthpiece. “Where’s Luna, you narcissist?”

“How rude.” The voice in the line seemed entertained rather than being mad. “If you really insist…” There was a slight muffled sound down on the line and silence.

Then, like a soft breeze blowing. “Blitz…”

“Luna, are you safe?“ He can feel relief doused into his body.

“Um…” She was about to answer when there’s another muffled sound and he came on the line. “Satisfied?”

“Just what on earth do you really want?”

“I don’t want to talk with you. Pass the head over or you’ll be picking bits of dead bodies once I’m through.”

Gritting his teeth, Blitz let the head talk in private in his car while the other officer tries calming him.

Calm? How can he be calm? That guy is sick. And venomous like a poisonous cobra, not the tame ones that you see in zoos, but the ones that are deadly, ready to strike with its poisonous fangs.

The head had been on the radio all the time. Nodding, and shaking his head, his expression stiff and unreadable. He could feel his stomach tightening as the head glanced his way and muttered some more.

It seemed like an eternity when the head finally got off the radio and came over to him.

“What did he say? Is Luna alright?”

“The girl’s fine.” The head said. “But he asked me to pass a message to you. He said, “Send that boy in alone. Don’t think about negotiating, if he comes in alone, I’ll let the hostages go. If not, I keep them.””

“That rat.” Blitz slammed his fist into the officer cruiser, causing a huge dent, causing one of the officers to go, “Hey, kid, watch it.”

The head looked worried. “Kiddo, if you don’t want to go in, then it’s alright. We’ll think of something else.”

“No.” Blitz said. “I’ll go.”

“Are you sure?” The head said. “I can’t guarantee your safety once you step in.”

“It’s alright.” Blitz said. “It’s me he hated most anyway. Knowing him, he might keep his word. As soon as he lets others go, get them to safety.”

The head watched him as Blitz headed up the steps. Part of him had wanted to ask what is his relationship with that girl, and how on earth does he know that crazed guy? But another part of him resisted, telling it’s better not to ask.

He better let that crazed guy know about the situation. Perhaps, perhaps the boy can be spared.


Seymour listened intently as the head explained the situation on the line. Smiling with satisfaction he then said, “Everyone, out.”

The captives let out a huge breath of relief and they quickly run out, not giving a second glance to him or the girl he held hostage. They just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

“Finally, we can settle this face to face.” Seymour let Luna leaned against his chest as he played with the ammunition. “But before he arrives, let me tell you a little something.”

“I don’t want to hear it from you.” Luna covered her ears but Seymour wrenched her hands away and said, “Oh, but it has something to do with you. A little…piece of information about yourself.”

Luna stopped struggling. “What?”

Seymour leaned in and whispered, “You’re just like me.”

Luna stared at his appearance and shook her head, but he threw back his head and laughed. “I don’t mean by appearance, princess, I meant my race. Our race.”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“You’re not human.”

At that moment, Blitz stepped out from the doorway. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“You heard me boy, she’s not human. ”

“Shut up.” Blitz picked something out from his pocket. A Swiss army knife that he always carry around. “You wanted me, I’m here.”

“Oh, so you wanted to play with blades?” Seymour tucked the Glock into his waistband and smiled tauntingly. “Then so can I.”

He brought out something long and thin out of thin air. A scabbard. Pulling the weapon free , he swung it a few times like a painter flicking his brush and held it in front of him one handedly. It’s extremely long and thin, with a beautifully designed handle and a shining blade which seemed purplish red in some lights.

“Murasama.” Seymour said calmly. “The blade is considered to be evil and bloodthirsty, but it suits me just fine. Can you feel it though? It’s lusting for blood.”

Blitz suddenly felt something inside him shriveled up. The Swiss Army knife in his hand looked like a toy compared to the blade. What is he suppose to do anyway? Feel the wrath of my mini Swiss Army knife???


“You should not have appeared that night boy.” Seymour said. “I wanted to take her that night, but you showed up and ruined everything.”

“Then maybe it’s a good thing I did.” Blitz then charged, hacking the knife upwards but one swing from the Murasama caused him to fly into the air and crashed onto some tables.

“Blitz!” Luna tried to run towards him but he blocked her way with the Murasama.

“You don’t have to care for him, he’s only a human who has his powers drawn from the ley lines.” Seymour said.

Luna feel anger washing her like tsunami. Without even thinking, she swung her hand like a fan and an ice stalagmite blasted itself form beneath, colliding with his sword, and also causing her to stumble back in fear.

What??? She stared at the ice stalagmite in shock. Where did that came from?

“It came from you, of course.” Seymour fingered the stalagmite. “I had always wondered why you never use any of your ice and moonlight powers. Now I know. Your amnesia also caused your powers to sleep.”

A pain zapped through her head and she clutched at her temples. A vision slammed itself onto her head and she saw a girl in blue surrounded in ice. A tall girl in white was talking to the girl in blue. The face is very blurry but the girl in blue… Her face is exactly like hers, sapphire eyes, pale skin that glows like moonlight, except her hair is slightly different from hers.

She gave a huge gasp.

The girl is her. That means, the girl who has been blasting ice IS her.

“It can’t be me.” She clutched at her hair. “It can’t be me!” Her voice is rising in hysteria and tears.

“Luna?” Blitz pulled himself up and stared.

“You never knew, did you, boy?” Seymour said, a triumphant air surrounding him. “She is never human.”

“I’m not. I’m not.” Blitz could see she’s in a state of denial. Hysteria is bubbling beneath her and tears are flowing from her eyes.

“You are…” His voice had dropped its harshness and coldness. Now it’s soothing and understanding. “You were never human from the start. Just let me embrace you, and I’ll tell you everything that you need to know. ”

“Don’t listen to him, Luna!” Blitz shouted, blasting thunder from his knife. But a dark shield emerged from beneath and nullified the thunder.

“You’re in my way.” Seymour said, swinging Murasama with a down stroke. Blitz was thrown off his feet and sent crashing through the chairs. He then turned back to Luna, who is panting very hard. “Now then, where were we?”

Without warning, ice erupted from all over the place, coating the ceiling, the walls, the furniture, everywhere. It as though a blizzard had arrived and hit the entire place.

Except this time, her eyes did not turn misty white, but tears are glittering like jewels on her lashes. The cold blizzard wind whipped her hair like a violent storm. More and more frost hungrily made its way towards him, freezing his legs and slowly made its way up to his body, trying to freeze him in ice.

This had gone long enough, Seymour thought, stabbing his blade down and punching Luna hard on the stomach. It knocked her out off her trance and she collapsed. Her legs folded beneath her and she crumpled like a wilted flower. The ice suddenly stopped as though someone hit a switch and it shattered into shards.

Blitz shoved a few chairs off him and made his way to where they are and there he is, holding Luna with one arm, another holding the Glock.

“You already lost.” He said, the Glock suddenly seems bigger in front his view, which looks more threatening.

“You’re obsessed, you know that?”

Seymour seemed to consider something, then slowly, he brought her up and gave a soft kiss on her forehead.

Blitz jumped a mile when he saw that snake kissing her so passionately, it’s not even fast at all, but he’s relishing his time, enjoying the moment, brushing his lips softly against her forehead. The way he’s doing it, it’s as though he’s not an enemy at all, more like lovers.

Jealousy, boiling like hot magma rushed into his body like adrenaline. Why, why that, that….CREEP!!!!!

“No need to get jealous on my account.” Seymour said, straightening himself up. “She’s mine after all.”

“Stop right there.”

Seymour ignored him and made his way out.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 17 - Hide & Seek

AUTHOR'S NOTE : I'm so sorry for not updating as fast as I could due to the fact that I'm pretty busy and all. Some bits might be a little AWOL but I hope that you fellow readers and friends will continue reading it and give your support. xxx

Now onto the story.

Now that he’s in possession of a car, it’s easy for him to go wherever he want, and whenever he want. It’s just so cool.

But first stop, he drove near the edge of the Shadow Woods and picked a few wild lilies that are growing near the trees there. The flower shop seemed to be half demolished with vines, ivys and roots and for some strange reason, ice half consuming the building. No one knows how or what has happened and so the sheriff placed the yellow crime scene tape together with a keep out sign.

What a weird town, Blitz thought, making his way up to the temple. He wondered if she’s already up there, sweeping the leaves or doing fortune reading to make a living. One way to find out, he thought with sudden resolve. Let’s just hope she’s not mad with him.

As he climbed up the last steps, he was surprised to find it empty…again. No one is around, but then he saw a raven perched on the rooftop, looking at him.

That guy…

The raven flew down and flew in front of his face and transformed into Sigan, who flipped his cape back.

“Ah, I thought it was you…” Blitz said, heart pounding but he’s not going to let him see it.

“If you’re looking for the ice witch, she’s not here.” Sigan said coldly. “He has already taken her.”

Blitz dropped the lilies and the bento lunchbox he picked up on his way here in shock. Taken, as in kidnapped, by that guy?

“But she has escaped again and that’s why I am stuck here, looking high and low, every single nooks and crannies looking for her.” Sigan spit in anger. “That ice witch is always nothing but trouble, why is he obsessed with her anyway?”

“Stop calling her an ice witch, you snake.” Blitz snapped in anger. “Why do you all even want her anyway?”

“Then why don’t you go and ask him yourself?” Sigan sneered nastily.

“Oh, I will.” Blitz scooped up the things that he had dropped. Thankfully, the box lid is still intact. “And I’ll find her, and keep her safe. You jerks have no right to take her.”

Sigan ignored him, turned into a raven, and flew off into the skies.

Shaking in anger, Blitz hurried down the steps, slammed the gear into action and sped off dangerously on the road.

Luna, please, be safe. He prayed.


The morning shift officers are patrolling the town on their cruiser, looking fairly bored. There’s no one about, nor are there any crimes for them to leap into action. Besides, no burglars or thieves ever come here because the town is quiet and far away from the big cities. Why would they even bothered coming here when the big cities have the filthy rich, priceless objects and their big fancy cars compared to their humble but peaceful town.

The officer in the front drummed his fingers impatiently. Maybe he should quit working as an officer and do something else. “Any sign of anything suspicious?”

“No, all clear here.” His partner said.

They turned into the next road to find a tall man, dressed all in black, walking down the pavement. They had never seen anything like him before. His dark hair is long, he wore a leather jacket but no shirt underneath, and he’s suspicious.

“We got a strange guy in our sight.” The officer on the wheel said.

“Yeah, I see him.”

“Should we?”

“Yes, we should.”

The two officers in the front got out of the car and went up to the man, calling out,“ Excuse me.”

The man ignored them and kept walking on, his boot heels clacking hard on the concrete.

“Hey, excuse me.”

The man stopped and turned and they both can’t help but stumble back a little. The man seemed to emit an aura of danger, someone not to be mess around with lightly. But it’s his eyes, his eyes have a very scary wolfish look about them even though his face shows no reaction at all.

“Who are you?” He said, his face not giving anything away.

“We should be asking you, sir.” The officer peered at him. “You don’t look like you’re from town. What are you doing, acting suspiciously around?”

The man’s gaze had dropped to the gun the officer’s carrying. A standard "third generation" Glock 17C, primarily used for military and law enforcement.

“Is that a gun?” The man cut in interestedly.

The officer looked a moment flustered. “Er, yes. It is. Why do you-”

The man suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and threw him aside, through the huge glass window of a shop. The whole window shattered like ice and there’s no need to check that the officer is already dead.

“What-What are you doing?” The other officer stuttered.

The man whirled on him, and seemingly vanished. Panicked, the officer brought out his own gun, whirling it around wildly before he feel a cold trickle of sweat running down the side of his neck. Just what on earth happened? And who is that that guy?

From behind, a painful blow from the back of the head caused him to be swallowed in cold darkness.

Seymour was panting hard, staring at the dead officer body which is lying on the floor. Those two officers should’ve stayed out of his way. Feeling more relaxed, he jumped over the broken window and stared at the bloodied body among the glass. Kneeling down beside the dead body, he reached over and pulled the "third generation" Glock 17C out of the belt and smiled. Finally, something to arm himself with.

He kicked the bloodied body aside and stepped out of the shop, feeling in a better mood.

He didn’t notice that a third officer, who had been in the back seat of the police cruiser, looking thoroughly shaken, reached for the communications radio and reported what he had seen in horror.


Where is she? Where the heck is she?

Blitz had driven all the way to the next town via the highway but still, there’s no sign of her.

Blitz had drove all the way downtown in the next town and back, but no sign of her at all. This is getting tiring. I mean, come on, how hard it is to find a girl with blue hair?

He turned into a corner and found a diner. Hm, maybe I could do with something to eat, I haven’t eaten anything except for Scorpio’s cream of mushroom and toast.

Pulling his car to a stop, he stopped and head into the diner. It’s a really tiny place but cozy, with lots of retro deco. The tables are all in red and white checkered table cloths with cute squashy pouffes instead of straight-backed chairs.

“Can I help you?” The waitress came over, wearing a plain blue shirt, capris pants and a blue apron.

“Burger and fries, if you have any.”

The waitress heads to the back, and Blitz sighed. Just where the heck is she? It can’t be hard to find her. Except he had ran back and forth the entire town and no sign of her anywhere. Thank God he had filled the petrol tank till it’s full.

The burger and fries arrived, all hot and fresh, making his mouth water. The bread warm and soft, the patty grilled to perfection, and the fries all golden, sprinkled with salt. The waitress even placed a glass of iced water in front of him even though he did not order any. “Enjoy.” She smiled at him.

Blitz smiled back at her and took a bite. Although it’s simple it made him craved for more.

“You like it?”

He nearly choked on his bit of burger when he saw the waitress hovering near by, wiping the counter top.

“It’s good.” Blitz said, taking a sip of water. “Thanks.”

“Sure.” The waitress surveys him up and down. “You’re not from town right?”

“No, I’m live in Sierra Falls.”

“We don’t get much customers in here.” The waitress sighed. “You know, I wondered if that poor girl is out of town as well. She was half-starved to death so I gave her some burgers-”

“Girl? What girl?”

“Huh, I don’t know. She’s really strange looking.” The waitress frowned hard. ”Petite, wears really odd prayer clothes, blue hair-”

Blitz bolted upright. “Did she say where she’s headed?”


Seymour was passing by a restaurant when sirens pierced loudly in his ear. Ee-woo, ee-woo, ee-woo…

Three officer cruisers came driving around the corner and surrounded him in a semi-circle, blocking his way out. Nine officers came piling out of the cruisers, all holding stun guns.

“You, freeze!” One of them shouted.

“You’re under arrest for the murder of two of our officers.”

Seymour glared at them in annoyance. Just why do they keep popping out like moles?

“It’s him, he killed Portman and Duncan!” One of them shouted, his gun shaking.

Portman and Duncan? Oh, those two guys. Seymour thought. How careless I was, I didn’t expect another person hiding in the cruiser.

He took a step forward towards the officers.

“Don’t move! We are armed with stun guns, which means we can stun you.” One of the officers shouted.

Seymour glanced at the gun. “You think something like that can stop me?”

“What-What are you-” He was cut off as Seymour grabbed him by the collar and smashed him though the cruiser windshield, causing everyone to panic.

“Stop that right now!” One of the officers yelled. “We will fire if you misbe-” His voice failed him as the volcanic blue eyes faced him. Just what on earth is this guy? His not like the other criminals they had faced with. He’s like a violent monster, or even a bomb, which can explode at anytime he wished.

“Miss, what on earth are you doing there?”

Seymour turned and felt his heart tremble with excitement. One of the officers had been talking to a bush in front of the restaurant and there she is, with some leaves clinging to her. He never even noticed she was hiding there all along.

What luck.

“Miss, please get back.” One of the officers is trying to help her out. “We are trying to-” There is a sharp cracking sound and a hole had appeared in between his eyes. Stunned, he fall flat on his back.

Luna stared at the dead officer in shock, feeling shaken. Why…?

Before she even knew what’s happening, Seymour grabbed her into a head lock and placed the gun right next to her head.


“If any of you shoot,” Seymour said with a very poisonous smile. “Then I’ll kill her.”

“Wait, what are you-”

“Shut up.” He backed towards the door of the restaurant. “Don’t even think of trying anything funny because one wrong move and it’s all over for her.”

The officers could only watch helplessly as the strange man pulled the girl with him into the restaurant.


Blitz had been watching everything from afar and felt a sinking feeling in his heart. No.


Too late…

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 16 - Kidnapped Maiden

I’m scared…

I’m really scared…

A flash of light blinded her for a moment and a crystalline castle came into view.

What is that place…? Have I been there?

Why is my head spinning? Why is the surface so hard? No, more to the point…

Where am I…?

Pain throbbing her head, Luna got up and took in her surrounding. She’s in a fancy room with fancy furniture and sweeping curtains - no, to be more precise, a suite…?

Panicking, Luna got off the bed with steel frames and ran to the door, trying to open it but somehow it’s locked. No matter how she much she twisted the knob or hammered at the door hard, it won’t open, nor did anyone appeared, making her feel frustrated.

A delicious smell seemed to tempt her, making her stomach growl. Shaking slightly, she found a tray of meal on the table. Still warm. Hesitantly, she reached over for one of the warm buttered bread rolls… about to touch it…

“You’re finally awake.”

Luna gave a yelp as though she had been caught stealing and stumbled, but a smooth movement caught her from slamming onto the floor just as the same time a door swung shut.

“Shhh, it’s alright. I won’t hurt you…” He chided her, who is struggling helplessly like a bird trying to free itself from its cage. “Demise and Sigan are not here. I’m having you all to myself.”

“Stop it.” Luna said. “Why do you keep saying that? I don’t even know who you are.”

“You don’t need to know anything, all you just need to know is that no one will tear us apart again.” He reached over for one of the bread rolls and put it in her hand. “You haven’t eaten anything much. Here. It’s still warm.”

Silently, Luna took a bite of the bread roll. Warm and buttery in her mouth. She crammed it into her mouth hungrily, without bothering to swallow the first bite, which is pretty unlady-like, chewing hungrily, but this tall dark handsome man doesn’t seem to mind. He just stroke her gently, like a delicate flower that is fragile to the touch.

“You haven’t changed at all. That’s good.” His fingers started braiding her hair. “I always liked doing this to you. You never seemed to mind it.”

Luna swallowed the entire bread and said, “Why? Just tell me why you are treating me like this?”

Seymour tilted her chin to face him and leaned near her, his voice carrassing her like silk. “…Because I love you.”

Luna felt stunned for a few minutes. Did he… Did he just…

Without thinking, she shoved herself away from him, falling flat on her backside, which reminded how she fell flat when they first bumped into each other. Deja-vu much?

“That’s…That’s absurd.” She spluttered.

“It’s not.” Seymour joined her on the floor, stretching his legs out. “It’s real.”

Luna hugged her knees tight, thoughts spinning wildly around her head. This is crazy really crazy. She’s only 16, for God’s sake! How old is this guy? In his twenties… He’s nearly half her age, from the looks of it.

“Okay…” She said outloud. “I must be stuck in a crazy dream. I’m going to pinch myself and I’’ll probably be back at the shrine.” She pinched herself hard on the arm and yelped in pain and-

“You’re not dreaming, princess.” Seymour said, holding her hand. “It’s real.”

Luna slapped his hands away and bolted, making her way for the door but he caught her in mere seconds.

“As I had said so earlier, I’m having you all to myself, princess.” He pulled her to him and she felt herself hitting his chest hard. “And I meant it.” He steered her to the sofa and said softly. “You are only allowed to move around in your room, and I had paid the staff to take care of you. I’m not letting anyone near you and they’ll be watching your door at all time, so don’t bother trying to escape. I’ll be out attending some errands so just be a good girl and stay in here quietly.”

He then vanished into thin air, leaving her alone with the tray of bread. Feeling a flicker of doubt, she tried the door again, but somehow, he seemed to have locked it without her knowledge.

I’m scared… No! She straightened up from the sofa. This is not the time to be scared. You have to think of something to escape. Not moping around! Come on, girl! Pull yourself together!

Let’s think. Those guys are only after her right… And they think they are all so smug about keeping guard at her door. Well think again. They forgotten the window.

With renewed determination, she went over to the window and yes! It’s unlocked, but when she peered over the window, she then saw why. She’s at least ten floors high up. There is absolutely no way she can jump down from here unless she wants to be flat pancake.

Sighing, she let the window open by a few inches to let in some fresh air. Great. Just great. They have the right to be smug about it. First of all, it’s too high up. Secondly, the walls are smooth, making it impossible to be gripped by hand. And the direction of the window being faced has been carefully chosen. No one can see her, nor can she see them because of the tall buildings. In short, no one can see her and she can’t see them.

Frustrated and feeling a dreaded sort of feeling, she picked up the tray and bring it over to the bed, careful not to spill any oil on the clean fitted linens. She picked up another buttered roll and chewed it thoughtfully, letting her clean fingers of her other hand running the surface of the bed-

The linens… She grabbed at it with her fingers. Okay, it might just work. It’s a crazy idea, but it just might work.

Reaching over to the service phone, she dialed a number and waited to be put through.

“Hi, um, I’m just wondering…Do you happen to have any clean linens…”


“Blitz, we got a surprise for you…” Gemini’s eyes are sparkling with excitement.

Blitz glanced up from today’s breakfast, cream of mushroom soup with toast, Scorpio’s style and said, “It had better be good, Gem.”

“We’re going to blindfold you.” Virgo said, holding out a black cloth.

Scorpio, who had been frying sunny side up eggs went, “Oh, it’s here already?”

“Yep.” Virgo had finished blindfolding him and gem grabbed his hand. “Come on, follow our lead.”

Blitz followed their lead, but to be honest, his mind wasn’t with them. He was thinking of what Scorpio had said about staying away from Luna.

He can’t believe Scorpio, Scorpio of all people, the most friendliest among all the three. Gemini is a little prickly and guarded, and she doesn’t open up to others that fast. Virgo is a rebel, so everything he says is really blunt. Scorpio is the only one who is laid back and often relaxed, and he often jams on Tuesdays and Thursday nights with his own rock-metal band, Metallica Scorpions.

“Blitz? Hello?” Gemini’s voice broke him out of his thoughts. “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

He could feel the blindfold loosening around him. “On the count of three…”

“One, two…”


The blindfold was whisked off his eyes and he found himself in the Angelo’s garage, with all of their vehicles parked inside. Carla’s van, faded cream and with the paint flaking; Scorpio’s Toyota Corolla, second handed and out of fashion since it’s the old model; Virgo’s 400cc Suzuki Bandit bike outshined among them, not because it’s the only bike but because it looked relatively new ( according to Scorpio, Virgo got it through “special means”.)

And standing beside the three, it’s a car he had never seen before. An old-fashioned Honda, its paint touched up into flawless white and looks good as new. On the wind screen, someone has placed a card on the wiper. With fumbling hands , Blitz reached out and flicked it open. This is your welcome present, take good care of it and have fun. Love from Aunt Carla, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo.

“It’s yours.” Gemini said, cracking a smile.

Blitz run his hand up on the roof, feeling the smooth, cool surface of the car. This is just brilliant. Really brilliant. He don’t have a car back in Washington because he had a Metro card and all the part-time salary he received go to the bills and his education, so he haven’t needed a car but now…

“It arrived few days ago, but we wanted to make sure that the engine’s not run down.” Gemini said.

“Take it out for a spin.” Virgo threw something in his direction and he caught it neatly in his hand. A key ring.

“I owe you guys and Aunt Carla, big time.” Blitz said, flipping the key ring in his hand.

“You can owe us by working as our chef.” Gemini said as he opened the door and stepped in, putting the key into the ignition.

“Sure do.”

Gemini went to open the garage doors and the Honda vroomed out and into the road.


Luna paused at her knotting as the footsteps sounded nearer. It can’t be the staff, they come in only every hour, and it’s only forty-five past the hour.

The footsteps stopped at the door, but made no attempt to knock or walk past. It seemed to stop in front of the door, waiting.

Please don’t come in, please don’t come in…. She prayed feverishly, tucking the linens out of sight, where there’s a long bundle tucked out of sight behind her like an oversized ball. If the staff really did come in, could she fib her way out of this?

It seemed a very long time when the footsteps finally went away, causing her to take lungful of air, not realizing she had been holding her breath for so long.

It was another ten minutes before she’s finally done. Her fingers are numb and clumsy as she secured the final knot on the bed stand and flung the linen rope out of the window.

Trembling with excitement, she felt the need to whoop but stopped herself in time. There’s no time. The staff is going to come back in five minutes time and she needed to get out, fast.

She swung herself out of the window and made her way down carefully but with quick movements. Once or twice the linen threatened to snap but it managed to hold. Surprisingly, she felt calm as she made her way down. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, a voice seemed to keep telling her she had done it lots of time. Well, then that’s a good thing, because she’s going to need to tap that part to get out of here.

When she finally made her way down to the last two floors, she let herself go, landing lightly on all fours like a cat.

Free at last.

“Hey! Where did the girl go?!’ A voice came from above.

Without even hesitating or looking back, she ran.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 15 - Sunder

Carla came sprinting towards the reception, her long hair flying behind her, with Gemini and Virgo at her heels.

“May I help you?” The receptionist girl asked.

“My nephew should be here. Blitz Worringthon.” She leaned against the counter, one hand on her chest to catch her breath as the receptionist girl peered at her Macintosh. “Ah yes, he should be out by today. He is having a final check up and then you can take him back home.”

Carla led Gemini and Virgo into one of the rooms to find Blitz sitting inside the examine room, with Scorpio and a blue-haired blue-eyed girl sitting beside him, one of her bandaged. Carla felt a jolt of surprise as she stared at the girl.

The shrine maiden? But she’s so young.

“Hey, Aunt Carla.” Blitz said, grinning cockily on his chair. He’s wearing a vest but no shirt to reveal the bandage underneath and his forehead has a small gauze taped on the side.

“Blitz, te ragazzo sciocco. How can you get yourself injured this badly?” Carla gave him a whack on the arm, the part where he’s not injured. “Are you trying to get yourself hurt? How are you going to let me explain to your parent’s bodies if you got killed? I was worried sick…” And she launched into a torrent of Italian which caused Gemini to turn to Virgo and said, “Don’t listen.”

“Oh, I did.” Virgo nodded, smiling. “And it’s not very pretty either.”

“Aunt Carla, I’m fine, look, it’s not that bad…” Blitz said awkwardly.

Carla flung herself onto him and started sobbing while still talking in rapid Italian, which everyone except Luna can’t understand.

“Oh, grazie, madonna. Grazie per le vostre benedizioni.” Carla is sobbing hard as she hugged him tighter, unwilling to let go.

“Aunt Carla, please, this is getting embarrassing.” Blitz said, making the mistake of catching Scorpio’s eyes, who started chuckling.

“You are going straight back into the inn and pray to your parents, young man. You hear me?” Carla said, eying him hard.

“Yeah, yeah, I will.” Blitz said, holding his hands up as surrender.

Gemini and Virgo were now gawking at the so-called witch of Sierra Falls. They had seen her a few times but never this near and up close. To be more precise they never pay much attention to her at all. She’s petite, a bit taller than Gemini though, with blue hair and eyes. Her skin is a pale sickly shade but it had a glow like moonlight. She looks unharmed but worn out.

“I have to say though,” Gemini said, licking her lips. “You are nothing like a witch.”

“That’s what the townsfolk called me.” She shrugged.

“Christ, she’s pretty young…” Virgo is peering at her like a scientist peering at his specimen. “She could pass off as our sister. Don’t you think so, Gem?”

“Yeah, how old are you anyway?” Scorpio said.

“SCOR!” Gemini shrieked, looking outraged. “You do not ask a girl her age!”

“Sorry. Just curious.” He shrugged.

“Anyhow, at least Blitz cara is alright.” Carla sighed. Her mood flares up and goes down fast. “I’ll go and settle the bill. Scorpio cara, you send them back home, otherwise it’ll be well past nightfall when the bill is finally settled.”

“Sure thing. Come on, kiddos.” Scorpio fished out his car keys and led the way like a scout leader leading his troupes.


Back at the temple, five shadows dressed in dark colours crept in the shadows, keeping out of sight.

“Are you really sure you want to do this?” One of the teenagers asked.

“Sure.” One of the girls said. “If we can nick one her ritual stuff, she’ll definitely flip.”

“If you say so.”

They ran around the temple, scouting for any signs of witnesses or tourists. When all was cleared, they crept around the back and stopped.

“Hey, hey,” One of them said.


“I keep feeling goosebumps up on my spine.” He then gestured with a shaky finger.

The huge pine tree, used for tying omikuji slips, seemed strangely large. The tree usually looked funny because of all the omikuji slips tied around it, but today, it seemed menacing.

Like it’s alive.

“It’s just a tree…” The girl snorted. “The one where the witch asked people to draw that weird fortune telling slips of hers and tie it up when you get a bad fortune.”

“Yeah, but…”

“Let’s just grab something and leave.” They were about to leave when a cry stopped them in their tracks.

A loud piercing cry emitted from the tree.

“What was that?” One of the boy gasped.

There was a violent tremor as the earth shook and there was a loud sound like a nut being cracked open from its shell as the omikuji tree lifted itself up, revealing tentacle-like roots beneath. It looked like an over towered mushroom which would’ve been comical if it wasn’t the fact that the- the tree charged towards them on its tentacle like roots which acts legs. Vines that weren’t supposed to be there lashed out at them like serpents and bound their arms and legs, causing them to scream in terror.

“What’s going on???” One of the guys yelled.

They try tugging at the vines but it’s impossible. Even though it’s thin, it’s impossible to snap it apart. It’s like they had been magically reinforced.

An angelic boyish laughter rang in their ears as they struggled with the vines. Demise appeared before them, looking like an angel wielding the scythe of the Grim Reaper.

“Looks like I caught 5 rats all in a row…” He giggled.

“What-What are you???”

“Me?” Demise’s eyes seemed to become colder and harder. “I am…Death itself.”

It was few minutes after that the screaming started.


They drove back all the way in silence throughout the hour and a half journey. Scorpio in front of the wheel, Blitz on the passenger seat beside him. Gemini, Virgo and Luna squeezed themselves together on the back, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Scorpio pulled up in front of the inn, and everyone got out and headed in, grateful to get a bite from a late night snack, anything, whether it’s cold stew or leftover bread.

All except Luna, who turned to head back to the temple when Scorpio’s voice stopped her. “Wait.”

Blitz paused at the doorway, looking at him who’s looking rather hard. Luna stared back at him politely, looking expressionless as always.


“Blitz, just head in. I’ll come in later…”

Blitz stared at him. Whenever Scorpio’s mad, his lips becomes thinner till it’s nothing but a thin line. And that’s what happening right now.

He licked his lips nervously. “She have nothing to do with it...”

“Blitz, you yourself explained that those three weird guys attack you just for protecting her.” Scorpio said, looking exasperated. “What am I supposed to think?”

“She didn’t do anything, Scor. She protected me from getting killed.”

“Those guys might come back for her, didn’t you think of that?” Scorpio countered.


“…It’s okay…” A soft voice broke their argument.

Both guys turned to see Luna with her back facing them. Her hair blowing slightly in the breeze.

“I understand…”

“What?” Blitz shouted, slightly outraged.

“He’s right.” Luna said, still not facing him. “Those guys are after me. If you keep staying around with me, you’ll get hurt.”

“Don’t say that, we’re friends right?”

Luna seemed to ignore him, because all she did was said, “Thank you for spending these few days with me. I’m extremely grateful…Blitz.”

She then walked out of the gate and up to the path to the temple. Blitz wanted to go after her but Scorpio said, “Don’t, Blitz. You’re not fully healed yet.”

“I don’t care. You shouldn’t have done that, Scorpio.” Blitz said, trying to run out but Scorpio knocked him out with a swift jab to the abdomen.

I’m sorry, Blitz, but we’re trying to keep you safe…. Scorpio stared at Blitz’s motionless figure on the ground. We always knew this town is on top of ley lines that harness magical energy and we didn’t want you caught in it as well.

Shaking his doubts, he lifted him and carried him back in, eager for a good night’s rest.


Luna had finished climbing up the stone steps when she saw him standing in front of the temple, clearly waiting for her.

“You’re finally here…” He said with that smile of his.

“What do you want form me?” Luna asked, looking a little thrown. She had not expect him to come back that soon.

Seymour ignored her question but glanced at her leg. “Those kids who tease you all the time, you have nothing to worry about anymore.”

A cold chill ran up her spine. “What?”

“Demise already took care of them.” He said taking a step forward. “By now they should’ve been nothing but fertilizer for your tree now.” He turned to the omikuji tree with a gesture of his head, She followed his gaze, feeling a little confused, then clapped her hand onto her mouth. “You mean…”

“Dead. Their flesh, blood and bone are soaked into your tree as nutrients. Demise had made sure of that. They shouldn’t be troubling you anymore.”

Panic-stricken, Luna tried to flee but with a few strides, he caught her by her hands and said, “You said what I wanted? I wanted you.”

“No! Let go!”

Seymour shushed her and waved his hand once, whispering, “No one will sunder us apart again…”

She could feel her vision getting blurry, his face blurred in and out in front of her. She tried another feeble attempt but nothing. She could feel herself getting sleepy and light-headed.

Darkness swallowed her in and last thing she was thinking of before it embraced her into its depth was a flash of blitz.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 14 - Rumbling Thunder

It happened so sudden. One minute the sky was bright, now the sky has darken. The bright sunny day is suddenly clouded by dark thunderstorm which is building up. A huge gale whipped through the place, howling loudly like a banshee shriek. Thunderstorms boomed loudly and danced in the sky like blue white sparks against the dark clouds.

Sigan was on the ground, hair fizzled and his eyes staring in shock at the sky. Blitz, surprisingly, was unharmed, even though the thunder had struck Sigan with pin point accuracy, and he was holding him, but somehow, he’s unscathed.

Seymour was staring at him with the same unfazed expression. ”Oh, who would’ve thought?” His eyes then fell on the lightning tattoo on the side of his face. “I should’ve known…”

“What’s happening, Bro? What is it?” Demise is looking at the sky with a slightly panicky look in his face.

“It seemed we have miscalculated something.” Seymour said.

Blitz stared at the thunderstorm in shock. What just happened? He was staring at the heavy storm clouds. Was it… I did this?

Luna, her head finally stopped throbbing, was staring at Blitz in amazement. Did he… Did he…

“Did I just do that?” He was staring in horror at Sigan who is pulling himself up, despite the fact that he had been struck by thunder. No ordinary human could survive that. He should’ve been fried.

“Enough playtime, boy.” Sigan snarled, palms stretced out, about to call out something when Seymour intercepted him. “Wait.”

“What are you doing, Seymour? Let me kill the boy.”

“You’re in no condition.” Seymour stood in a natural stance. “Go and stand with Demise.”

Sigan was about to argue but something in his eyes warned him not to push it. Snarling, he dropped his palms and was about to turn when Seymour’s voice pierced his frustration. “And…you’re going to tell me what happened on that day.”

Blitz stared at the man in front of him. He look so confident, and a little arrogant. This is the kind of man who have no second thoughts about killing him, even though he has no idea what’s going on.

“Why do you want Luna so badly?” Blitz asked, trying to figure him out.

“That’s none of your concern, boy.“ Seymour said softly. “She’s mine from the start, and I’m not going to let some thunder mortal take her from me.”

Thunder? So I really can…manipulate thunder?

Despite the fact he’s in a matter of life and death here, Blitz could feel a glow of pride swelling beneath him. He can’t believe it but it’s so cool.

A line from the journal seemed to be echoing in his head, over and over again. The ground that the town is built on top on is surrounded by magical streams of nature which is a—Magical streams of nature…

Magical streams of nature…

In other words, ley lines that harness the magical’s forces.

So, magic does really exist? Blitz thought, bringing his fists up.

“I’ll let you make the first move first, give you a little handicap.” Seymour said, looking relaxed. “3 chances. If you can’t touch me after 3 hits, then you lose.”

“What are you playing at?” Blitz said, looking suspicious.

“Come then. First hit.”

“If you insist.” Blitz charged and tried a straight punch, following with a spinning kick, but his feet seemed to touch thin air.

“Missed.” Seymour smiled, standing a few steps aside where he had struck.

He’s fast, Blitz thought. Even as I lashed out, he’s one step ahead of me.

“I’m betting Bro would win. Who’re you going to bet on Sis?” Demise asked.

Luna ignored him, her hands fixed on her lap, clenching tightly on her skirt, staring rigidly on the scene in front of her.

“Suit yourself.” He shrugged.

Blitz did another technique, this time it’s a karate sweep, his leg is supposed to hook the lower limb and unbalance him but instead he caught thin air again.

“Your last round.”

Blitz took a deep breath as he faced him, letting his mind clear. The thunderstorm is still rumbling in the sky. That Seymour guy had already said it too. He can control lightning. But how? What made him call out lightning like this? Think. Think. Think.

“What’s he doing, meditating?” Sigan’s voice taunted in his ear.

“Let’s just wait and see.” Demise replied.

I was trying to protect myself… To protect her as well… I couldn’t let that creep take her away right? And besides, I never noticed before, but I can sense their presence. It’s dark like pools of bottomless pits.

Blitz opened his eyes and charged, lashing out with his fist just like last time.

“You already did that move, boy.” Seymour laughed.

“I’m not done yet. Take this!”

Blitz lash out with his foot. A straight forward thrust. Well it should have been a thrust except a thrust of lightning appeared as well, causing him to stumble back, losing his composure for the first time. Nevertheless, he grabbed his shins and threw him over like an upturned beetle.

“Ouch! “ Blitz gasped as a searing sharp pain ran through his leg.

“That was unexpected.” Seymour said, looming over him. “I never expected you to use lightning against me. My turn.”

Blitz rolled out of the way just in time like an upturned turtle as Seymour’s feet slammed the ground where his head have been few seconds earlier. What shocked him is not the speed, but the force as the ground cracked into fissures.

“Oh God…” He gulped as he saw the size of the fissure, which is a huge 360 degree circle. He had never expected that, insane speed, yes, but insane strength, no.

“Why don’t we just quit this pointless fighting now? Just give me the girl and I’ll spare your life.”

“No.” Blitz said, standing on his ground.

“You’re weird.” Seymour gave a chuckle. “Did you know how many people had betrayed her just to save their lives? You’re the first to actually stand on your ground....”

“She’s my friend. My first ever friend in this place.” Blitz spat. “I won’t hand her to someone like you.”

Seymour’s eyes flashed. “So be it, boy. If you want to die so badly then I’ll send you myself.”

Thunderstorm flashed brightly as Blitz glanced up at the sky. Thunder sparks are booming loudly and dancing in the sky, as though to support him.

Maybe, in a way, it does, Blitz thought, closing his fists.

Seymour suddenly appeared behind him and lashed out with his heel, sending him slamming on the ground. He even added in a roundhouse kick which caught him by his ribs. There was a sharp snap as three of his ribs snapped.

“I missed.” Seymour said calmly.

An arrow whooshed past him and he turned to see Luna holding a bow and an arrow, pointing it at him.

“Demise!” Sigan shouted.

“I didn’t noticed she sneaked off.” Demise said, looking innocent as always.

“Do you intend to shoot me?” Seymour said, his voice dropping soft, trying to entice her.

Luna still held the bow high, but he could see that her hands are shaking. I get it, she missed… He thought, amused with the thought.

“You leave him alone right now.” Luna said, steadying her hands. “Otherwise, I’ll do it.”

“Really? Can you really pull the trigger?”

As if to show him, she released the string. The arrow soared towards him like a missile and would’ve struck him, except he caught it in between his fingers.

Blitz took the advantage to aim a jab at the jaw with lightning emitting from his fist, which nearly caught him except he dodged and let him crash onto the ground. Nevertheless, a thin cut appeared on his cheek.

“Sigan. Demise. We’re leaving.”

“What?” Sigan looked outraged.

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Seymour said, glancing at Blitz, who is lying on the ground, clutching his broken ribs. “If she haven’t intervened, then you might’ve been dead, boy. Next time, you might end up as a blood-stained corpse.”

He then walked towards Luna who haven’t lowered her bow, though she didn’t load any arrows…yet. He loosen the bow from her hand and said, “I’ll be back again, princess. I enjoy to see how things unfold in the future.”

“Get…lost.” Blitz was vaguely reminded of that creepy poltergeist in a film that he watched back in Washington DC, because that’s exactly how she sounded right now.

Instead of walking, he teleported in a swirl of dark orbs, laughing. Sigan grunted and teleported as well with clouds of black feathers. Demise gave them a cheery wave and disappeared in a storm of rose petals.

The thunderstorm had finally stopped and the sky had finally cleared, bringing in sunshine. Debris of the temple grounds, black feathers and rose petals lay scattered all over the place.

Luna went over to Blitz silently, dropping to her knees and tearing his shirt open to find a bluish black bruise on the side of his body.

“He’s gone…” He said softly.

“I’ll get some medicine…” Luna muttered, getting up when someone shouted. “Witch!”

She turned to find a crowd of teenagers on the top steps, glaring at her with pure hostility.

“You attacked the new guy, didn’t you?”

Despite the pain, Blitz got up and shouted, “Leave her alone! She tried to protect me!”

“Yeah right. Look at the state of yourself.” One of them jerked his head at his broken ribs. “Protect you? More like harming you.”

“Get lost, you she-devil.” Stones hurtled out of nowhere and some would’ve caught Luna but blitz intervened and yelled in pain as some hit him on his broken ribs.

“Blitz…” Luna whispered, looking teary-eyed.

As the teenagers aimed the stones at them again, there was a yell and one of them was knocked out.

“What? What is it?”

“Leave them alone, you creeps.”

That voice…Blitz thought as blood tricked down from his forehead.


“Stay out of this, Angelo.”

“You mess with my cousin, you mess with me. You guys got exactly thirty seconds to get out of here before I call the sheriff. Beat it!”

The teenagers glared at Luna for one last time and ran off as fast as their legs will allow.

“God, Blitz, what happened to you?” Scorpio asked, staring at the mess and Blitz’s injuries.

“Scor, you will not believe if I tell you.” Blitz said.

“You’re a mess, you know that?” Scorpio linked one of his arms onto Blitz’s shoulders. “Luna, is it? Help me out here.”

Luna unsteadily got to her feet and linked her arm to his other shoulder, and together they made their way down the steps.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 13 - Reunion

Luna was staring at each of them with total shock. How could this day which have started off nicely turned into such a horrible day so fast? NO, it’s worse than horrible, it’’s… Chaotic!!!

“Blitz, you-you’re one of them?” She was not talking to that man, but Blitz.

“How did they?” Blitz shook his head. “You got it all wrong…”

“I can’t believe you, Blitz…” Her eyes are shining like jewels. ”I thought you were different than those guys. Guess I was wrong.”

“No, Luna, I’m not one of them.” Blitz was staring at the other three who are watching them with total amusement. “I don’t even who they are.”

“Yeah, I heard that a lot.” Luna said, giving a whatever shrug.

“Let’s just grab that girl right here and now…” Sigan said, flexing his fingers. “It shouldn’t take us more than five minutes.”

“Patience, Sigan…” Demise said. “We have plenty of time to do just that. Hey, mister Blitz. What’s up?”

“You’re all in this together?” Blitz asked, looking calm, but in reality, inside he’s feeling total horror and shock.

They…are not human.

“What? What are you guys?”

“That is none of your concern.” Sigan said. “We only came here for one thing…”

Luna stared back and forth between each guys, following their conversation. But when she caught the eyes of the one dressed all in black, he held out something in between his fingers.

A ring.

The exact same ring that the Phantom had held out the night before at the clock tower.

They came for me, she realized, her hands reaching slowly back. Is that the reason why there are many disappearances???

“Those girls…” Realization snapped into her. “You caused them to disappear didn’t you?”

“That would be Sigan’s and my doing.” Demise said cheerfully. “Sorry about that Sis, didn’t mean you to be the one to take the blame.”

God, Luna thought, feeling faint, except her fingers are reaching for a bow.

“Get her!” Sigan charged.

“Oh no you don’t!” Blitz pulled back his fist and punched him, except he seemed to hit thin air. “What the-”

He felt several sharp pains on his back and he turned to see Sigan standing behind him.

“You shouldn’t be able to run or shout for help now.” He said softly. “Now, I’ll have the pleasure of dealing with that girl. You’re going to love it.”

Crap, Blitz thought in his mind. He tried to move, but his body won’t obey. He even tried lifting a finger, but there’s no movement at all. Just what did that guy do by striking random parts of him? Only his mind can think and his eyes can move.

Luna, just get the hell out of here!!! His mind screamed.

A yell caused him to turn his head, the only part of him which he can move to find Sigan thrown back into the bushes. Luna was holding a bow, but no arrow. She was holding the bow like a blunt weapon, which can be used for swinging but won’t inflict much damage without any arrows for piercing.

“Come on, Sis.” Demise said in a Good Cop, Bad Cop way. “We don’t have to do this the hard way…”

Luna held the bow across her, saying, “Just what do you want from me? I don’t know who you guys are!”

The one in black, obviously the leader, appeared behind her, reminding her of that graceful lightning speed movement back to that night in the clock tower. He grabbed the bow from her hand and flung it aside.

“Don’t you remember me? I’m Seymour.” He said softly, holding her.

Seymour…. Her mind racked itself, I don’t know anyone by that name… But he sure look familiar.

“I…don’t know…” She said.

Seymour shook her hard. “How can you not remember me? Don’t you remember anything that day before our big day? The day when you ran off.”

“Whoa, Bro, calm down.” Demise said.

Blitz could feel some of his body again, but Sigan was emerging from the bush so better not move a muscle first.

“No, I really don’t remember anything. Just let go!” Luna shoved him hard and stumbled back, wincing as she landed hard on the floor.

She thought he was going to make another move at her, but instead he turned to Demise and said, “What happened to her leg?”

Luna blinked in confusion first. Then she remembered. Oh yeah, the injury on her leg. Where did that come from? Must’ve sprained herself when she was running on the stairs. Funny, but she couldn’t remember.

“I…sprained myself.”

“She blasted us with ice first.” Sigan said coldly.

“What on earth are you talking about? I can’t manipulate ice.” She tried to stand but she fell down hard on the floor again. “Ouch!”

“You liar.” Sigan spat. “You froze me in ice yourself. How can you not remember?”

That man, Seymour went over to her and she edged further away, but not much because her leg really stings. Whatever it was, it’s painful. He gently grabbed her by the hakama sleeve and eyed her intensely, searching for any signs of treachery. Blitz was staring at him with stabs of anger in his heart.

Why that, that no good jerk… He thought, looking pissed.

Seymour then said, still holding her, “…I see.”

“Did you find out anything?” Sigan asked eagerly.

Seymour turned back to Luna and said, “What is the last thing you remember before coming here?”


“What’s the point of talking to her? She’s in denial.” Sigan sneered.

Seymour shut his eyes and turned way. Luna, even though pretty much confused, could swear that she saw disbelief and sadness reflected in those eyes.

“You really don’t remember anything, do you?” He said softly, pressing her against him. She could feel his heart beat, and it’s warm, as warm as any human’s.

“Why you!!!” Blitz forgot to stay still and charged at him.

Sigan smirked at him, hands outstretched, ready to strike him once more, feet spread apart to natural stance so that his center of gravity is positioned in the middle, unable to strike him down. As he reached out to strike his shoulder, Blitz ducked and did an uppercut, catching him just below his chin, knocking him from below. Enraged, Sigan rushed at him, fingernails turning into hooked claws, slashing him across the chest. Five thin lines appeared and started bleeding.

“Blitz!” Luna shoved herself out of Seymour’s arms and ran over to him, much to his jealousy. Oh dear God, the slashes weren’t deep but they’re bleeding a lot. The white shirt he wore is now being soaked rapidly with fresh red blood. “We have to stop the bleeding.”

“It’s not that deep.” Blitz said.

“How can you say that? You’re losing a lot of blood.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill him that fast…’ Sigan said, claws stained with blood. “I have to say though, this not the first time boys have died for you.”


“Care for me to repeat it? Boys fallen in love with you never stay alive that long.” Sigan said, looking at Seymour, who’s looking white with anger, though his expression is not showing it, but his eyes are burning with jealousy. “Seymour had never wanted any guys near you so often we dispose of them…permanently.”

Luna felt pain stabbing her head. Gasping, she swore she could hear voices in her head, but she can’t recall remember any of them.

“Let me go…”

“I won’t…”

“Please, just let me go…”

“I won’t let any men near you, you hear me?”

“Leave her alone!” Blitz shouted, hovering her protectively.

“Kill him, Sigan.” Seymour’s ice became cold like ice. “There’s no need to hold back anymore.”

Sigan grinned. “I’ve been hoping you would say that…” He suddenly charged with lightning speed, grabbing Blitz by the shirt and dashing him onto the ground while striking random parts of his body. Even though Blitz could see that his bleeding, he can’t seem to feel any pain.

“Maybe it’s time I explained to you what I can do.” Sigan said, yanking him by the head. “It’s actually rather amusing, really. Have you ever studied human anatomy?”

“No, I did Engineering.” Blitz said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Well, then, let me make it simple. Your nerve points are all sealed. Think of it as an anesthetics. For example,” His claws sliced in the air, adding a cut on his forearm. “You can’t feel the cut, couldn’t you? Even if I were to make it deeper…” He stabbed in a little deeper than intended.

Blitz stared at the open cut on his arm. He’s right, he realized. I can’t feel pain at all. They really are not humans. Hard to believe but it’s true.

“Stop!” Luna tried to intervene but Demise held her. “No, Sis. You don’t have to get involved.”

“It’s like I said, princess, no boys had ever lived long when they’re near you.”

Something clung onto his arm and he turned to see Blitz grabbing hold of his arm.

“Don’t underestimate me, you freak.” Blitz said, his eyes flaring.

Somewhere in the distance, a thunder rumbled even though the sky is still bright.

“Do you really want go to the grave that badly, boy?” Sigan said, trying to fling him off but Blitz held onto him tightly.

“I don’t know who you guys are, but leave Luna alone. She doesn’t remember anything, so stop tormenting her.”

“You’re saying…She has amnesia?” Seymour spoke in a deadly voice.

“Are you stubborn? She has been mentioning it since from the start.” Blitz said.

Everyone turned to her who is clutching her head tightly again, completely oblivious to everything around her.

“What???” Demise said, looking startled.

Seymour whirled on Sigan, “What happened that day?”


“You told me she fell off that day and didn’t survive.” Seymour said. “What happened on that day, Sigan?”

Sigan turned back to Blitz, ignoring him. “Well, boy, you seemed to have make that part clear, so we’ll take her back, amnesia or no, we’ll grab her after I’m done with you.”

Thunder suddenly rumbled loudly and struck him on the spot, causing him to get electrocuted.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 12 - Approaching Darkness

A girl was blasting ice at the two guys who were trying to get her. One of them uses the plants in the shop to attack her. She blasted them apart with ice blasts and because she was at a disadvantage, she ran off. She found herself running in the streets blindly with only one objective in her mind. Back.

Back at the temple…

Luna woke up with a start, her hair tumbled in front like curtains parting her face.

What a weird dream…She thought, pushing back the covers and getting up. She bathed herself and came out, looking refreshed, but still not feeling too well. It was when she was filling water from the pond that a fact jolted her.

That girl in the dream…

She looks like me…

Except… Her eyes were glowing…

“Yeah right.” She said out loud to no one in particular as the water filled up. “I can’t freeze stuff. I’m just normal.”

Although, it wouldn’t hurt to try it out for fun right?

Feeling dumb, she stretched her palms out, focusing to freeze the water in the pond. She waved her palms, expecting to see the water freeze into an ice mirror, but…

Nothing. The water is still as clear as liquid glass.

“Freeze…” She muttered under her breath.

But still there’s no change.

Well, she thought, picking up the bucket, that just proves I’m just a normal human. Feeling lighter and cheerful of all a sudden, she left.

A bird flew down from the tree. Spotting the pool, it dived in with a small splash to bathe itself. It was barely a second when it gave a sharp chirp and flew out of the pond.

The pond, which has been liquid, suddenly froze into a pool of glacier ice.


Luna was watering the plants happily when footsteps alerted her. Sensing someone near her, she looked up and dropped the bucket in shock.

It’s that man again, dressed in all black. And he’s smiling at her. That teasing smile that made her heart flopped over like a fish.

Like now.

“So this is where you live…” He said, picking up the bucket that had fallen and setting it upright. “They told me that a witch live up here but all I see is a beautiful shrine maiden tending to her plants.”

Luna couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak. This guy is just too mysterious and sexy. Oh dear, there I go again…She thought.

“Do you do fortune telling?” He asked.

“Oh, um, of course. I do palm reading.” She said, regaining a bit of her composure.

“I see…” He pulled off one of his gloves and held out his hand to her. “Will you read mine, please?”

Luna touched his hand to see his palm lines and kept her eyes on them, aware that the man is watching her with slight amusement.

“…………I can’t.” She whispered.

The palm that she had been reading touched her hands gently. His nails are not pink like normal humans, they’re a pale metallic blue in colour. So strange.

“What is it?”

“I can’t read your fortune…” She muttered, dropping his hand and picking up her bucket. “I’m sorry, but maybe you’ll have better luck with the omikuji slip.”

She turned to run but the man grabbed at her shoulder, not so hard and not so gently either. “Wait, please.”

“I-I got things to do…” She said, shaking him off and running into the temple, her sleeves flying.

The man regarded her figure with amusement and smiled.

Looks like he’s approaching… He thought.

Luna had retreated back into the temple and shook.

What’s with that guy? I can’t understand. I can’t read his future… It’s all blank. What’s scary is his eyes. Those volcanic blue eyes with their ravenous look. That predator hunting prey look.

His touch, she held out her hands which are trembling. His touch…

It’s just like the Phantom’s.

A blast of pain throbbed in her head and she gasped as a vision whammed into her head. A shadowy figure. She couldn’t see his face, but that smile is exactly like his.

Do I….know him?

“What’s happening to me???” She gave a sob and buried her face into her lap.


Blitz came running up the steps, carrying a food container stuffed with chicken and vegie sandwiches. He hoped she like it. The chicken were slightly charred because it was leftover from last night and he had kept in the freezer then reheated it in the oven with high temperature. But he’s going to hope she does not know that.

He stopped with slight surprise.

She’s not here again…

But the plants are just watered, so she should still be here.

The temple…maybe?

He was about to take a step when someone approached from the corner. A man in his twenties, dressed all in black. He doesn’t look like he’s from town. And he’s definitely strange looking. He seems to be smiling a very secret smile, as though he knows something that he doesn’t.

When he caught sight of him though, Blitz could swear that the man’s eyes flashed dangerously for a second, giving him a look of pure hostility. But that’s crazy. They had only just met.

“Um, hello.” Blitz said, standing his ground.

The man eyed him. “Are you here to see the shrine maiden?”

“Yeah. I brought something for her.”

“There’s no need for that…” The man leaned against the wall of the temple casually. “She doesn’t want it.”

Blitz felt something inside him snapped. They had only met for a few minutes and already he dislike this guy.

“What’s your problem?” Blitz said, staring into his eyes. What a weird shade of blue. Volcanic blue.

“You shouldn’t touch things that aren’t yours, boy.” He said, his eyes filled with mockery.

“What are you crapping?”

“Stay away from the shrine maiden.” The man said, his long hair blowing in the breeze.

“Who gave you the right to say that?” Blitz said, setting the container down on the front landing. “She’s not your property.”

“On contrary, she is…” The man said, giving him a smile filled with mockery and amusement. “Long before you were even born, boy.”

Blitz clenched his fists hard. He really, really don’t like this guy. Would he stop smiling if, say, he drive a fist into that face of his and-

A sliding sound distracted them and they both turned to Luna peeing out from the sliding door. Her eyes are red, a very strong evidence that she has been weeping.


“Luna.” Blitz said, loosening his fist but still throwing that guy in black a look of dislike. “I brought you some sandwiches.”

“Luna…?” The man said, staring at the shrine maiden who is staring out at the spiky haired boy.

“…Why were you crying?”

“Oh, no, I was just tired…” She said softly. “Thank you.”

“For a second there, I thought that guy made you cry.” Blitz jerked his head at the man in black.

As the guy turned to her, she felt her heart stood still. She knew then, that night at the clock tower and when she bumped into him. Those mesmerizing eyes that gaze into her like he did now.


Blitz stared at the man in shock. This…guy is the Phantom???

“This guy…” He began.

A storm of rose petals suddenly appeared, dancing in a gust of whirlwind, even though there are no roses in Sierra Falls because the temperature is just not suitable for the plants to grow. Shielding his eyes, he watched as a kid emerged from the rose petals storm.

At the same time, that huge annoying raven flew down from the skies and he watched with amazement and shock as the raven become a man. Tall and powerfully built with shocking white hair and eyes as blood red as the raven.

All this time, that bird was a….man???

And that kid…

Demise shook his hair back, took in all of them with one sweeping glance and said, “Well now, isn’t that great? We are all here at last. Face to face...”

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 11 - Tales of Sierra

Blitz approached the History section which is located far back in the library. Well, no one is keen in History. To be frank, he hated History as well. Back in Washington DC, whenever there’s World History, he usually skipped on alternate days, though he managed to get a credit for it. If he hadn’t, he might’ve been in summer school, repeating his grade. But the thought of finding out about the town is making him running around, so here he is, searching in the History section.

He found the book he’s looking for. Journal of Sierra Falls, a thick faded book bounded with peeling leather and lettering stamped in the front. He weighed in his hands and it’s thick, about the weight of a Medical-Surgical book that he usually see in bookshops. Carrying the book in his hands, he made his way to the back of the library. There are several abstract paintings at the back, really boring oil paintings, and some bright colour posters.

As he sat down on his seat, he took in his surroundings. This is a total joke. There’s no one in the library, except for the librarian, but he’s in the back office, talking in his phone. Like he mentioned, total joke. What’s the point of having a library if no one uses it? It’s not as though people built libraries as an accessory.

Blitz opened the book, feeling the pages rustling at the touch of his fingers. Poor thing, he thought, staring at the yellowed pages which are fragile thin and easily torn. The black ink is smudged all over the pages, causing difficulty in reading. There are some illustrations but they are already faded into thin lines, barely visible at all.

He flicked a few pages and found what he’s looking for.

Sierra Falls origins are traced back to the time where the First World War started. Not wanting to be caught in the war, some of the people escaped and made refuge in the wood, where its known as the Shadow Woods because of the sunlight unable to penetrate past the thick trees. The sierras that is behind the town is how the town got its name, Sierra Falls.

The ground that the town is built on top on is surrounded by magical streams of nature which is a—

The rest is unreadable, with the ink being smudged all over and thick lines crossing the words out. Well, he thought, closing the book, that’s an interesting fact. Too bad about the second lines though. Now his curiosity is bursting. Sierra Falls is built on top of magical lines, well, he never knew about that. But…What’s with the Phantom thing…

He was about to put the book back into its shelf when a voice said, “Excuse me?”

He turned to find a boy around 13 or 14 standing behind him, with innocent boyish looks, pink hair that is slightly long and wild and pink eyes, with pale as death skin.

Huh, and I thought that the Phantom was weird, but this kid, is even weirder…

“Mister, can I have that book you’re reading?” He gestured at the book that Blitz’s still holding.

“Um, sure.” Blitz handed the book over to him.

The boy grinned widely and took the book. “Thanks, mister. Nice tattoo.”

Blitz involuntarily touched the left side of his face. “Oh, thanks. I’m new in town, actually. I’m Blitz, Blitz Worringthon.”

“Demise.” The boy said, smiling. “You’re Gemini’s cousin, aren’t you?” Catching sight of Blitz’s expression, he went, “I been to the diner a few times and I saw you in the kitchen. You can cook?”

“Yeah, I can cook Italian and Western.”

“That’s so awesome. You should see my Bros, they can’t even cook at all. It always ended up undercooked or charred into charred masses.” Demise said shaking his head. “Anyway, maybe we can meet up sometime. See ya.”

Blitz stared at Demise who went to the back of the library and sat down. Strange kid, but really innocent….

But then why does my senses keep telling me something is wrong?

Demise waited till Blitz had left before he went over to the window and opened it to let a raven swooped in and transformed into Sigan.

“That boy…” Demise said, staring at where Blitz had left. “Was he the one, Sigan?”

“Yes, the one who interfered that night at the clock tower. You were supposed to stall any intruders, Demise. Why didn’t you stall him?”

“I didn’t know anyone would follow Sis. I thought she’s the outcast in town, I didn’t expect her to have a friend.”

“How much does he know?”

“That’s what I’m going to find out…” Demise gave him a very serene smile. “But before that…” He tossed the journal out of the window. There’s an oak tree right outside, and it caught the book neatly in its branch, and shred it into bits and the roots seemed to absorb it like fertilizer.

“There, now the tree can grow well.” Demise smiled at Sigan, who looked at him dumb founded.


When he showed up moments later, he found her just reaching back the temple, limping slightly. She looked rather pale and tired.

Even as he watched, she stumbled over the path and sank on to the ground, panting hard and sweating.

“Are you okay?” He ran over to her but she shoved him away. “Don’t come near me…”

“Why are you-” He then caught sight of her leg, which is swollen and red, with a large bump. “You’re hurt!”

“Just don’t come near me.” She panted, trying to stand up but fell onto her knees, breathing hard.

Blitz, ignoring her, lifted her up, piggy back style and said, “Stop being stubborn. I’ll carry you in.”

Although she’s still feeling hostile, she relaxed a little and clutched at his jacket. He could see the thin carpal bones on her knuckles that are holding on. Gosh, he thought as he made his way to the temple. She’s really too thin.

Moments later, he set her down on one of the flat cushions and had fetched a basin and some warm water and is dabbing at the swollen part. She seems to have relaxed a lot now, but she’s still feeling exhausted.

“What happened?” He asked, rinsing the water.

“I…sprained my leg.”

Blitz dabbed at her leg some more. “You sprained yourself on the steps?”

“No, in town…”

“What were you doing there in the first place?”

“I was supposed to pick up some plants, which I forgot, so I ran…and sprained myself.”

“You could’ve called me.” He said, now taking a towel filled with ice cubes and putting it on her leg. “I would’ve just borrow Scorpio’s car and dropped you off. Wait…Is that why you weren’t here that morning?”

“You came?” She asked, her eyes widened a little.

“Of course I did. I’m bringing you proper meals 3 times a day, remember?”

Luna looked away and said, “You didn’t have to bring me meals….”

“Uh-uh, no way am I letting you starve. Is your leg feeling better now?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Blitz then stood up. “I’m heading back now, but I’ll be back tomorrow to bring you breakfast. Be here, okay?”

Luna stared at him uncertainly and nodded slowly.

“Great, then I’ll see you tomorrow.”


She’s lying, Blitz thought as he made his way down the stairs, hands in pockets. She’s hiding something.

The sprain on her leg, is not even a sprain.

As he was dabbing at her leg he saw circular marks on her leg. Round, rope like and circular. Except it was too thin to be a rope. As he had rinsed the water, he caught sight of something extremely small in the basin.

A tiny green leaf of an ivy.

The way it had wrapped around her leg, there’s no way a normal ivy could do that…

But whom? What? When? How???

Guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 10 - Jungle Hell

He had really meant to go to the library, truly, he did. But out of habit, he found his legs taking him to the temple again. Judging from the appearance, there’s still no sign of her. The leaves aren’t even swept on the temple grounds.

Weird, he thought. Why do I get a bad feeling about this?

He walked around the temple just in time to see a figure turning into the corner. Who is it? It’s definitely not her. Must be a tourist or someone. He quickened his pace a little and saw…


That guy must’ve been a fast runner…He thought, making his way to the huge pine tree with its omikuji papers. The guy, girl, whoever it was, must’ve been tying his omikuji slip on the tree when he arrived.

Blitz shrugged. Guess there’s no point staying here, time to hit the library.


Luna felt bile rise up to her throat as she took in the beheaded corpse whose blood is still flowing freely and fresh, with its thick coppery smell stung her nose.

“Oh come on, you seen plenty of these before when Bro kills guys in front of you.” Demise shrugged.

“What on earth did you just do to him? He’s innocent!”

“Surely you haven’t forgotten that I can possess people to do my bidding.” Demise turned the head around so that the neck is exposed. On the neck, is a tiny black rose-shaped emblem.

“What on earth are you talking about? We just met.” She said, trying to stop herself from shaking.

“Why do you keep denying? You know who we are, Sigan and Demise.” The tall broad one spoke for the first time.

Luna rubbed her forehead. “Are you kidding me? This is only the first time we met.”

Sigan stepped forward and grabbed her hard by the shoulders and stared at her eyes. She gulped. Those blood red eyes are searching her for any sign of weakness, and she’s determined not to let him see it.

“Sigan…” Demise said nervously.

“Do you remember the time you spent with him?” Sigan asked, looking menacing.

“What on earth are you all talking about?” Luna slapped his arms away. “I’m calling the sheriff.”

She turned to the door except a loud hissing sound stopped her in her tracks. It sounds like a cry. There seems to be a tremor and suddenly, she know what it is.

The plants… They’re coming to life…

Green leafy plants are rapidly growing into giants. They’re all shrieking, crying, hissing, wailing at the same time, a mixture of intertwined cacophony. The ones nearest to the door are wailing at her and blocked the door, cutting her way out. The plants even blocked the window, cutting the view from outside so that the interior became darker. Now the only source of light left is coming from the fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Wait…. She clutched her forehead. Another vision seemed to hit her head. A girl…together with a pink-haired boy, in a garden. The boy is talking animatedly to the girl.

“…Do you like my garden?... I’ll be doing your bouquet and dress…”

Demise is smiling at her serenely. “You are the only one who love plants, that’s why I made sure they won’t hurt you.”

“This is insane. I must be dreaming…” Luna said, stumbling back a little. “I must be dreaming. Probably if I pinch myself I’ll be up on my mat, sweeping the floor…”

Sigan turned to Demise, looking disgusted. “Does she think that by saying this over and over again will make us believe her?”

“I don’t know. Come on, Sis, give it up…”

“Sis? I don’t remember having a brother…“

“Aw, how can you say that? I always call you that since you first came to the palace.”

Luna finally snapped. “I don’t know who you are. Or what you guys want from m, but we just met, so leave me alone!”

As she spoke, ice erupted around her. Sharp stalagmites made out of ice, coating the surrounding around her and the ceiling above her.

“We were planning to do this the nice way but since you insisted, we’ll do this the hard way, no more negotiation.” Sigan said, his fingers strike out at her. But it looks as though she’s been possessed by another person. The timid, scared girl suddenly hurtled a blast of ice towards him, causing his legs to be frozen. The plants near her became frozen solid and shattered.

“Aw man, those were my favorite plants.” He sighed, staring at the girl before him, whose eyes are turning milky white. He held out his scythe and raised it high. “No turning back now, is it?”

Luna suddenly charged towards him, gliding on ice platforms, and shot another blast of ice towards him and he ducked. The blast hit the back of the shop which frozen and shattered.

“Demise, stop playing around and get her!” Sigan shouted, trying to free his legs from the frozen ice.

“Oh wow, Sis, you’re rather athletic.” Demise said, giving her a wink. Then gave another thought. “But of course you had been running and evading us everytime we hunt you down. Yeow!” The stalagmites that hung from the ceiling suddenly dropped on him. One caught him by the sleeve of his shirt and there was a loud rip as the material was torn. A long thin gash had appeared where the sleeve got ripped.

Plants intertwined their vines together and smashed down on the floor. Luna leapt over it and froze the entire plant in a huge iceberg. One vine caught her around the leg, but she sliced it with an ice shard. Before Demise could speak or make a move, a very thick mist blurred his vision and everything became whit and misty.

“That witch, and she said she don’t know any of us!” Sigan’s voice came form his right. “Hey, Demise, did you get her yet? Demise?!”

There was a loud smash and the mist slowly cleared. Demise saw that the entrance had been blasted apart. No, it was frozen then shattered. Ice coated around the edges of the hole like thin pieces of frost.

“Dang…” Demise said, running out, but only to find the streets empty.

Sigan had finally freed himself, and tutted as he took in his surroundings. The place is a mess of mutated plants and glittery ice frost. A nature and ice mixture. “What a mess…”

“I know…” Demise said, running over to his plants. “Are you okay, dear ones?”

“I told you not to play with her!!!” Sigan yelled. “Did you see what she just did??? She’s still an ice witch, and yet she kept on denying-”

“You two…”

Both of them turned and gulped as they see the dark silhouette standing at the entrance of the hole that the girl has made, fingering the ice. As he turned to them, he shattered the ice by grabbing a handful of it and crushing it in his bare hands.

Demise and Sigan looked at each other. “Uh oh…”

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 9 - Probing

She didn’t appear…

Blitz was standing in front of the temple grounds. Usually at the crack of dawn she will be up and about, sweeping the dead leaves that scattered all over the ground, but today she’s not around. The thought made him even more worried than before.

Did I say something wrong to her last night, he thought.

He walked around the temple grounds, having never walked around it before. There’s small shrine that sells omikuji (sacred lots) fortune telling slips in wooden boxes and some other odd bits of souvenirs. There’s also a huge pine tree at the back of the shrine, together with a wall of metal wires on one side, all tied with omikuji slips. A handwritten sign is hammered to the ground, which reads,

Fold bad luck omikuji strip and attach it to the pine tree or metal wires to prevent bad luck.

Blitz didn’t know what made him do it, but he went back to the small shrine where the omikuji box is. Picking out a shiny, silver shilling form his pocket, he toyed it around and around his fingers. A little voice in the back of his mind is telling him to think twice before depositing the shilling in.

But what harm could it do? It’s just for fun, right? And it might be amusing to see what kind of fortune he gotten besides having a long life.

He slipped it into the offering box and randomly pulled out a slip of paper-

And gasped.

Great Curse (Dai-kyō)

The word is printed in English, Romaji and Japanese characters on the slip. For some reason, it made the back of his neck and his little fingers tingled.

It’s just a fortune telling slip… His mind told him.

With fumbling hands, he went to the great pine tree at the back of the shrine, folded his slip and attached it to the tree with a firm knot. Hopefully, it’ll stay there and don’t come off.

Luna was walking down the path to the florist’s to pick up some baby trees for the temple. She had came back late at night after the Phantom had ran off only to find some of the baby trees which she had planted were cruelly tugged out of their roots and left wiltered to die. On the ground there had threatening messages by the town’s teenagers.


Her eyes suddenly felt warm and prickling, and her throat’s tightening. With shaky breaths, she sat down on the wooden bench outside of the bubble tea café and buried her face into her hands.

I never thought much of the other town’s teens because all of them hated me. She thought, letting her mind wander. Ever since I came into town, they had treated me like an outcast. How many years has it been...? 2, 3 years? I forgot. I had always been alone...

Until he came.

That Blitz guy, with golden blonde spiky hair, his grey opal eyes that is actually a kaleidoscope of rainbow if you look at it closely. He was the first person who had ever shown her kindness, even offered his hand to be her friend. Her first ever friend.

Seeing him throwing the Phantom last night to save her made her seemed…humiliated. She had always been on her own, clearing the odd paranormal bits in town, but this is the first time someone came to her aid and risked himself to save her, despite the fact that they just met. Yes, it did made her humiliated for needing a guy to rescue her, it also made her angry, angry at herself for being weak, unable to fend off a so-called Phantom.

That’s why she’s mad, but she had directed her anger at Blitz. That’s why she didn’t return to the temple but wander around the town, trying to clear her thoughts. Once or twice she had passed by Casa de Angelo, and had seen Carla Angelo clearing the plates in the kitchen. But he and the others had been long since asleep.

A sweet sounding chime jolted her out her thoughts and she gave a small yelp. The café’s clock reads 12 PM.

Lunchtime already??? Oh nooooo. She was supposed to pick up the plants at eleven thirty.

Jumping back up to her feet, she practically ran down the street, feeling panicky when-


“Ow!” She fall onto her backside with a whump.

“Are you alright?” A hand is extended out to her.

Luna could feel herself flush and getting a little angry with herself. Not again, come on, girl, pull yourself together.

She got back on her feet and felt her heart dropped for the second time this week at the person who has extended a hand to help her up.

Standing in front of her is a man, somewhere in his twenties. Even without a measuring tape, he is at least a head taller than her, who is only up to his chest. He has long black hair that is as long as hers. Eyes that are also blue like hers, but a different shade of blue. Volcanic blue, not sapphire or sky blue. He favored black a lot, a dark leather jacket that is only halfway zipped up, no vest underneath to reveal powerfully strong muscles underneath, a black leather choker with chain, dark snakeskin leather pants that fitted him nicely, no belt, but a silver chain hung from his pants, heeled chained boots and gloves. The right one covered his hand fully, whereas the left one showed of his fingers, long, slender like a pianist’s.

In other words, he’s….beautiful. Not pretty boy beautiful, but really, handsome, manly beautiful. And very bad boy looking…

Oh God, why is this happening to me??? She thought, looking awkward and even more flushed than before. Even her face is turning beet red. The first time she’s blushing very hard all because of a guy.

“You alright? I didn’t see you coming.” His voice is like soft twilight touching your senses gently.

“What? Oh, no, no, no. I’m sorry.” She said, looking down at his boots, unable to meet his face. ”I didn’t see where I was going. Oh NO!” She suddenly yelped. “I’m LATE!!!”

Without another word, she sped down the road again, leaving the handsome stranger in black behind.


“Why the glum face?” Scorpio asked, busy cooking spaghetti cabonara.

“Maybe his girlfriend dumped him.” Virgo said, trying to steal some meatballs.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say, Virgo.” Gemini said from the window, waiting for the spaghetti.

“Get your hands off the meatballs.” Scorpio said, holding out the stainless steel frying pan.

“I’m single.” Blitz said, setting the plates of spaghetti on Gemini’s tray. “And my girlfriend back in Washington had broke off with me last month.”

“Heartless.” Virgo said.

“Ouch.” Gemini winced, taking up the tray but not moving.

“Waiter!!!” A voice shouted.

“Coming!” Virgo ran out of the kitchen, notebook and pencil in hand.

“Are you thinking about that girl again?” Scorpio asked, taking out a fresh stock of spaghetti, tossed it into the pot and let it boil.

Blitz nodded silently, dressing the Caesar salad with slices of Pormeno cheese and olive oil. “She’s not at the temple. She’s always there in the morning.”

“Maybe she got some errands to do.” Gemini said. “You can’t expect her to be at the temple all the time right?”

“Waitress, where’s my spaghetti?”

Gemini rolled her eyes, picked up the tray and left. Scorpio fished out the noodles, set it down on a plate and tipped a generous amount of sauce into the plate just as Blitz said, “Scorpio, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?” He asked, setting the ladle down.

“Just…Just what is up with this town?” Blitz blurted.

“Pardon?” Scorpio said, raising an eyebrow.

“I mean, the Phantom of this town is supposed to be a myth, right?” Blitz said softly.

“Well, yeah.” Scorpio said, looking surprised. “It IS a rumour, after all.”

“But the Phantom of the Opera is real.”

“That’s just fiction, Blitz.” Scorpio peered at him curiously. “Are you sure you are feeling alright?”

Blitz sighed. This is the main reason why he had never told anyone about last night’s incident. As far as he is concerned, this is something he should keep to himself. Otherwise Aunt Carla might send him to asylum with the huge hypodermic syringe.

“Is there a library near here?”

“There’s one at 3rd Street.” Scorpio replied. “Sorry, but I got stuff to do here, otherwise I’ll take you myself.”

“That’s fine, thanks, Scor.”


Luna burst into the shop, just as the shop owner came out from the back.

“You’re late, lass.”

“I’m sorry. I got held up.” She panted, staggering over to the counter. “Do you still have the plants I ordered?”

“Sure do. Wait right there, I’ll be back.” He then retreated to the back of the shop.

Luna sat down on the wooden chair in the corner, taking in the flowers and potted plants. Everything in here smells strongly of fertilizer, earthly soil and water. She usually come down hereto relax, it’s like another world on its own, cut off from the outside. Taking all of these in made her seem more relaxed and calm.

Footsteps sounded in her ears, she turned and said, “How much do I-”

She stopped short as she saw it wasn’t the shop owner, but a pink haired and eyes boy together with a tall powerfully built man with shocking white spiky hair.

The boy form the winery… What was his name again… Demise?

“What is it?” She asked ,looking back and forth.

The boy, Demise smiled serenely. “I told you it’s her.”

“Indeed.” The man is extremely cold, he looks as though he’s made out of hard ice. He dropped something on the floor and she felt sick with disbelief.

Strands of blue hair.

Her hair.

The raven… But it can’t be…

“Oh yeah, the nice man who’s supposed to give your plant…” Demise tossed something on the space between them. It looks human like, two hands, legs and it’s wearing clothes, but it doesn’t have a head. Just a stump of its neck.

Luna felt herself shivering suddenly, as though the temperature has dropped into zero degrees. “What-”

“Oh, I’m so sorry for being rude. Here he is.” Demise held out something by the head no wait, it is a head. He held it by the hair, and it’s very familiar looking. The face, eyes, wide and blank staring at the space ahead….

Luna screamed.