Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 11 - Tales of Sierra

Blitz approached the History section which is located far back in the library. Well, no one is keen in History. To be frank, he hated History as well. Back in Washington DC, whenever there’s World History, he usually skipped on alternate days, though he managed to get a credit for it. If he hadn’t, he might’ve been in summer school, repeating his grade. But the thought of finding out about the town is making him running around, so here he is, searching in the History section.

He found the book he’s looking for. Journal of Sierra Falls, a thick faded book bounded with peeling leather and lettering stamped in the front. He weighed in his hands and it’s thick, about the weight of a Medical-Surgical book that he usually see in bookshops. Carrying the book in his hands, he made his way to the back of the library. There are several abstract paintings at the back, really boring oil paintings, and some bright colour posters.

As he sat down on his seat, he took in his surroundings. This is a total joke. There’s no one in the library, except for the librarian, but he’s in the back office, talking in his phone. Like he mentioned, total joke. What’s the point of having a library if no one uses it? It’s not as though people built libraries as an accessory.

Blitz opened the book, feeling the pages rustling at the touch of his fingers. Poor thing, he thought, staring at the yellowed pages which are fragile thin and easily torn. The black ink is smudged all over the pages, causing difficulty in reading. There are some illustrations but they are already faded into thin lines, barely visible at all.

He flicked a few pages and found what he’s looking for.

Sierra Falls origins are traced back to the time where the First World War started. Not wanting to be caught in the war, some of the people escaped and made refuge in the wood, where its known as the Shadow Woods because of the sunlight unable to penetrate past the thick trees. The sierras that is behind the town is how the town got its name, Sierra Falls.

The ground that the town is built on top on is surrounded by magical streams of nature which is a—

The rest is unreadable, with the ink being smudged all over and thick lines crossing the words out. Well, he thought, closing the book, that’s an interesting fact. Too bad about the second lines though. Now his curiosity is bursting. Sierra Falls is built on top of magical lines, well, he never knew about that. But…What’s with the Phantom thing…

He was about to put the book back into its shelf when a voice said, “Excuse me?”

He turned to find a boy around 13 or 14 standing behind him, with innocent boyish looks, pink hair that is slightly long and wild and pink eyes, with pale as death skin.

Huh, and I thought that the Phantom was weird, but this kid, is even weirder…

“Mister, can I have that book you’re reading?” He gestured at the book that Blitz’s still holding.

“Um, sure.” Blitz handed the book over to him.

The boy grinned widely and took the book. “Thanks, mister. Nice tattoo.”

Blitz involuntarily touched the left side of his face. “Oh, thanks. I’m new in town, actually. I’m Blitz, Blitz Worringthon.”

“Demise.” The boy said, smiling. “You’re Gemini’s cousin, aren’t you?” Catching sight of Blitz’s expression, he went, “I been to the diner a few times and I saw you in the kitchen. You can cook?”

“Yeah, I can cook Italian and Western.”

“That’s so awesome. You should see my Bros, they can’t even cook at all. It always ended up undercooked or charred into charred masses.” Demise said shaking his head. “Anyway, maybe we can meet up sometime. See ya.”

Blitz stared at Demise who went to the back of the library and sat down. Strange kid, but really innocent….

But then why does my senses keep telling me something is wrong?

Demise waited till Blitz had left before he went over to the window and opened it to let a raven swooped in and transformed into Sigan.

“That boy…” Demise said, staring at where Blitz had left. “Was he the one, Sigan?”

“Yes, the one who interfered that night at the clock tower. You were supposed to stall any intruders, Demise. Why didn’t you stall him?”

“I didn’t know anyone would follow Sis. I thought she’s the outcast in town, I didn’t expect her to have a friend.”

“How much does he know?”

“That’s what I’m going to find out…” Demise gave him a very serene smile. “But before that…” He tossed the journal out of the window. There’s an oak tree right outside, and it caught the book neatly in its branch, and shred it into bits and the roots seemed to absorb it like fertilizer.

“There, now the tree can grow well.” Demise smiled at Sigan, who looked at him dumb founded.


When he showed up moments later, he found her just reaching back the temple, limping slightly. She looked rather pale and tired.

Even as he watched, she stumbled over the path and sank on to the ground, panting hard and sweating.

“Are you okay?” He ran over to her but she shoved him away. “Don’t come near me…”

“Why are you-” He then caught sight of her leg, which is swollen and red, with a large bump. “You’re hurt!”

“Just don’t come near me.” She panted, trying to stand up but fell onto her knees, breathing hard.

Blitz, ignoring her, lifted her up, piggy back style and said, “Stop being stubborn. I’ll carry you in.”

Although she’s still feeling hostile, she relaxed a little and clutched at his jacket. He could see the thin carpal bones on her knuckles that are holding on. Gosh, he thought as he made his way to the temple. She’s really too thin.

Moments later, he set her down on one of the flat cushions and had fetched a basin and some warm water and is dabbing at the swollen part. She seems to have relaxed a lot now, but she’s still feeling exhausted.

“What happened?” He asked, rinsing the water.

“I…sprained my leg.”

Blitz dabbed at her leg some more. “You sprained yourself on the steps?”

“No, in town…”

“What were you doing there in the first place?”

“I was supposed to pick up some plants, which I forgot, so I ran…and sprained myself.”

“You could’ve called me.” He said, now taking a towel filled with ice cubes and putting it on her leg. “I would’ve just borrow Scorpio’s car and dropped you off. Wait…Is that why you weren’t here that morning?”

“You came?” She asked, her eyes widened a little.

“Of course I did. I’m bringing you proper meals 3 times a day, remember?”

Luna looked away and said, “You didn’t have to bring me meals….”

“Uh-uh, no way am I letting you starve. Is your leg feeling better now?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Blitz then stood up. “I’m heading back now, but I’ll be back tomorrow to bring you breakfast. Be here, okay?”

Luna stared at him uncertainly and nodded slowly.

“Great, then I’ll see you tomorrow.”


She’s lying, Blitz thought as he made his way down the stairs, hands in pockets. She’s hiding something.

The sprain on her leg, is not even a sprain.

As he was dabbing at her leg he saw circular marks on her leg. Round, rope like and circular. Except it was too thin to be a rope. As he had rinsed the water, he caught sight of something extremely small in the basin.

A tiny green leaf of an ivy.

The way it had wrapped around her leg, there’s no way a normal ivy could do that…

But whom? What? When? How???

Guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

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