Monday, May 7, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 17 - Hide & Seek

AUTHOR'S NOTE : I'm so sorry for not updating as fast as I could due to the fact that I'm pretty busy and all. Some bits might be a little AWOL but I hope that you fellow readers and friends will continue reading it and give your support. xxx

Now onto the story.

Now that he’s in possession of a car, it’s easy for him to go wherever he want, and whenever he want. It’s just so cool.

But first stop, he drove near the edge of the Shadow Woods and picked a few wild lilies that are growing near the trees there. The flower shop seemed to be half demolished with vines, ivys and roots and for some strange reason, ice half consuming the building. No one knows how or what has happened and so the sheriff placed the yellow crime scene tape together with a keep out sign.

What a weird town, Blitz thought, making his way up to the temple. He wondered if she’s already up there, sweeping the leaves or doing fortune reading to make a living. One way to find out, he thought with sudden resolve. Let’s just hope she’s not mad with him.

As he climbed up the last steps, he was surprised to find it empty…again. No one is around, but then he saw a raven perched on the rooftop, looking at him.

That guy…

The raven flew down and flew in front of his face and transformed into Sigan, who flipped his cape back.

“Ah, I thought it was you…” Blitz said, heart pounding but he’s not going to let him see it.

“If you’re looking for the ice witch, she’s not here.” Sigan said coldly. “He has already taken her.”

Blitz dropped the lilies and the bento lunchbox he picked up on his way here in shock. Taken, as in kidnapped, by that guy?

“But she has escaped again and that’s why I am stuck here, looking high and low, every single nooks and crannies looking for her.” Sigan spit in anger. “That ice witch is always nothing but trouble, why is he obsessed with her anyway?”

“Stop calling her an ice witch, you snake.” Blitz snapped in anger. “Why do you all even want her anyway?”

“Then why don’t you go and ask him yourself?” Sigan sneered nastily.

“Oh, I will.” Blitz scooped up the things that he had dropped. Thankfully, the box lid is still intact. “And I’ll find her, and keep her safe. You jerks have no right to take her.”

Sigan ignored him, turned into a raven, and flew off into the skies.

Shaking in anger, Blitz hurried down the steps, slammed the gear into action and sped off dangerously on the road.

Luna, please, be safe. He prayed.


The morning shift officers are patrolling the town on their cruiser, looking fairly bored. There’s no one about, nor are there any crimes for them to leap into action. Besides, no burglars or thieves ever come here because the town is quiet and far away from the big cities. Why would they even bothered coming here when the big cities have the filthy rich, priceless objects and their big fancy cars compared to their humble but peaceful town.

The officer in the front drummed his fingers impatiently. Maybe he should quit working as an officer and do something else. “Any sign of anything suspicious?”

“No, all clear here.” His partner said.

They turned into the next road to find a tall man, dressed all in black, walking down the pavement. They had never seen anything like him before. His dark hair is long, he wore a leather jacket but no shirt underneath, and he’s suspicious.

“We got a strange guy in our sight.” The officer on the wheel said.

“Yeah, I see him.”

“Should we?”

“Yes, we should.”

The two officers in the front got out of the car and went up to the man, calling out,“ Excuse me.”

The man ignored them and kept walking on, his boot heels clacking hard on the concrete.

“Hey, excuse me.”

The man stopped and turned and they both can’t help but stumble back a little. The man seemed to emit an aura of danger, someone not to be mess around with lightly. But it’s his eyes, his eyes have a very scary wolfish look about them even though his face shows no reaction at all.

“Who are you?” He said, his face not giving anything away.

“We should be asking you, sir.” The officer peered at him. “You don’t look like you’re from town. What are you doing, acting suspiciously around?”

The man’s gaze had dropped to the gun the officer’s carrying. A standard "third generation" Glock 17C, primarily used for military and law enforcement.

“Is that a gun?” The man cut in interestedly.

The officer looked a moment flustered. “Er, yes. It is. Why do you-”

The man suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and threw him aside, through the huge glass window of a shop. The whole window shattered like ice and there’s no need to check that the officer is already dead.

“What-What are you doing?” The other officer stuttered.

The man whirled on him, and seemingly vanished. Panicked, the officer brought out his own gun, whirling it around wildly before he feel a cold trickle of sweat running down the side of his neck. Just what on earth happened? And who is that that guy?

From behind, a painful blow from the back of the head caused him to be swallowed in cold darkness.

Seymour was panting hard, staring at the dead officer body which is lying on the floor. Those two officers should’ve stayed out of his way. Feeling more relaxed, he jumped over the broken window and stared at the bloodied body among the glass. Kneeling down beside the dead body, he reached over and pulled the "third generation" Glock 17C out of the belt and smiled. Finally, something to arm himself with.

He kicked the bloodied body aside and stepped out of the shop, feeling in a better mood.

He didn’t notice that a third officer, who had been in the back seat of the police cruiser, looking thoroughly shaken, reached for the communications radio and reported what he had seen in horror.


Where is she? Where the heck is she?

Blitz had driven all the way to the next town via the highway but still, there’s no sign of her.

Blitz had drove all the way downtown in the next town and back, but no sign of her at all. This is getting tiring. I mean, come on, how hard it is to find a girl with blue hair?

He turned into a corner and found a diner. Hm, maybe I could do with something to eat, I haven’t eaten anything except for Scorpio’s cream of mushroom and toast.

Pulling his car to a stop, he stopped and head into the diner. It’s a really tiny place but cozy, with lots of retro deco. The tables are all in red and white checkered table cloths with cute squashy pouffes instead of straight-backed chairs.

“Can I help you?” The waitress came over, wearing a plain blue shirt, capris pants and a blue apron.

“Burger and fries, if you have any.”

The waitress heads to the back, and Blitz sighed. Just where the heck is she? It can’t be hard to find her. Except he had ran back and forth the entire town and no sign of her anywhere. Thank God he had filled the petrol tank till it’s full.

The burger and fries arrived, all hot and fresh, making his mouth water. The bread warm and soft, the patty grilled to perfection, and the fries all golden, sprinkled with salt. The waitress even placed a glass of iced water in front of him even though he did not order any. “Enjoy.” She smiled at him.

Blitz smiled back at her and took a bite. Although it’s simple it made him craved for more.

“You like it?”

He nearly choked on his bit of burger when he saw the waitress hovering near by, wiping the counter top.

“It’s good.” Blitz said, taking a sip of water. “Thanks.”

“Sure.” The waitress surveys him up and down. “You’re not from town right?”

“No, I’m live in Sierra Falls.”

“We don’t get much customers in here.” The waitress sighed. “You know, I wondered if that poor girl is out of town as well. She was half-starved to death so I gave her some burgers-”

“Girl? What girl?”

“Huh, I don’t know. She’s really strange looking.” The waitress frowned hard. ”Petite, wears really odd prayer clothes, blue hair-”

Blitz bolted upright. “Did she say where she’s headed?”


Seymour was passing by a restaurant when sirens pierced loudly in his ear. Ee-woo, ee-woo, ee-woo…

Three officer cruisers came driving around the corner and surrounded him in a semi-circle, blocking his way out. Nine officers came piling out of the cruisers, all holding stun guns.

“You, freeze!” One of them shouted.

“You’re under arrest for the murder of two of our officers.”

Seymour glared at them in annoyance. Just why do they keep popping out like moles?

“It’s him, he killed Portman and Duncan!” One of them shouted, his gun shaking.

Portman and Duncan? Oh, those two guys. Seymour thought. How careless I was, I didn’t expect another person hiding in the cruiser.

He took a step forward towards the officers.

“Don’t move! We are armed with stun guns, which means we can stun you.” One of the officers shouted.

Seymour glanced at the gun. “You think something like that can stop me?”

“What-What are you-” He was cut off as Seymour grabbed him by the collar and smashed him though the cruiser windshield, causing everyone to panic.

“Stop that right now!” One of the officers yelled. “We will fire if you misbe-” His voice failed him as the volcanic blue eyes faced him. Just what on earth is this guy? His not like the other criminals they had faced with. He’s like a violent monster, or even a bomb, which can explode at anytime he wished.

“Miss, what on earth are you doing there?”

Seymour turned and felt his heart tremble with excitement. One of the officers had been talking to a bush in front of the restaurant and there she is, with some leaves clinging to her. He never even noticed she was hiding there all along.

What luck.

“Miss, please get back.” One of the officers is trying to help her out. “We are trying to-” There is a sharp cracking sound and a hole had appeared in between his eyes. Stunned, he fall flat on his back.

Luna stared at the dead officer in shock, feeling shaken. Why…?

Before she even knew what’s happening, Seymour grabbed her into a head lock and placed the gun right next to her head.


“If any of you shoot,” Seymour said with a very poisonous smile. “Then I’ll kill her.”

“Wait, what are you-”

“Shut up.” He backed towards the door of the restaurant. “Don’t even think of trying anything funny because one wrong move and it’s all over for her.”

The officers could only watch helplessly as the strange man pulled the girl with him into the restaurant.


Blitz had been watching everything from afar and felt a sinking feeling in his heart. No.


Too late…

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