Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 13 - Reunion

Luna was staring at each of them with total shock. How could this day which have started off nicely turned into such a horrible day so fast? NO, it’s worse than horrible, it’’s… Chaotic!!!

“Blitz, you-you’re one of them?” She was not talking to that man, but Blitz.

“How did they?” Blitz shook his head. “You got it all wrong…”

“I can’t believe you, Blitz…” Her eyes are shining like jewels. ”I thought you were different than those guys. Guess I was wrong.”

“No, Luna, I’m not one of them.” Blitz was staring at the other three who are watching them with total amusement. “I don’t even who they are.”

“Yeah, I heard that a lot.” Luna said, giving a whatever shrug.

“Let’s just grab that girl right here and now…” Sigan said, flexing his fingers. “It shouldn’t take us more than five minutes.”

“Patience, Sigan…” Demise said. “We have plenty of time to do just that. Hey, mister Blitz. What’s up?”

“You’re all in this together?” Blitz asked, looking calm, but in reality, inside he’s feeling total horror and shock.

They…are not human.

“What? What are you guys?”

“That is none of your concern.” Sigan said. “We only came here for one thing…”

Luna stared back and forth between each guys, following their conversation. But when she caught the eyes of the one dressed all in black, he held out something in between his fingers.

A ring.

The exact same ring that the Phantom had held out the night before at the clock tower.

They came for me, she realized, her hands reaching slowly back. Is that the reason why there are many disappearances???

“Those girls…” Realization snapped into her. “You caused them to disappear didn’t you?”

“That would be Sigan’s and my doing.” Demise said cheerfully. “Sorry about that Sis, didn’t mean you to be the one to take the blame.”

God, Luna thought, feeling faint, except her fingers are reaching for a bow.

“Get her!” Sigan charged.

“Oh no you don’t!” Blitz pulled back his fist and punched him, except he seemed to hit thin air. “What the-”

He felt several sharp pains on his back and he turned to see Sigan standing behind him.

“You shouldn’t be able to run or shout for help now.” He said softly. “Now, I’ll have the pleasure of dealing with that girl. You’re going to love it.”

Crap, Blitz thought in his mind. He tried to move, but his body won’t obey. He even tried lifting a finger, but there’s no movement at all. Just what did that guy do by striking random parts of him? Only his mind can think and his eyes can move.

Luna, just get the hell out of here!!! His mind screamed.

A yell caused him to turn his head, the only part of him which he can move to find Sigan thrown back into the bushes. Luna was holding a bow, but no arrow. She was holding the bow like a blunt weapon, which can be used for swinging but won’t inflict much damage without any arrows for piercing.

“Come on, Sis.” Demise said in a Good Cop, Bad Cop way. “We don’t have to do this the hard way…”

Luna held the bow across her, saying, “Just what do you want from me? I don’t know who you guys are!”

The one in black, obviously the leader, appeared behind her, reminding her of that graceful lightning speed movement back to that night in the clock tower. He grabbed the bow from her hand and flung it aside.

“Don’t you remember me? I’m Seymour.” He said softly, holding her.

Seymour…. Her mind racked itself, I don’t know anyone by that name… But he sure look familiar.

“I…don’t know…” She said.

Seymour shook her hard. “How can you not remember me? Don’t you remember anything that day before our big day? The day when you ran off.”

“Whoa, Bro, calm down.” Demise said.

Blitz could feel some of his body again, but Sigan was emerging from the bush so better not move a muscle first.

“No, I really don’t remember anything. Just let go!” Luna shoved him hard and stumbled back, wincing as she landed hard on the floor.

She thought he was going to make another move at her, but instead he turned to Demise and said, “What happened to her leg?”

Luna blinked in confusion first. Then she remembered. Oh yeah, the injury on her leg. Where did that come from? Must’ve sprained herself when she was running on the stairs. Funny, but she couldn’t remember.

“I…sprained myself.”

“She blasted us with ice first.” Sigan said coldly.

“What on earth are you talking about? I can’t manipulate ice.” She tried to stand but she fell down hard on the floor again. “Ouch!”

“You liar.” Sigan spat. “You froze me in ice yourself. How can you not remember?”

That man, Seymour went over to her and she edged further away, but not much because her leg really stings. Whatever it was, it’s painful. He gently grabbed her by the hakama sleeve and eyed her intensely, searching for any signs of treachery. Blitz was staring at him with stabs of anger in his heart.

Why that, that no good jerk… He thought, looking pissed.

Seymour then said, still holding her, “…I see.”

“Did you find out anything?” Sigan asked eagerly.

Seymour turned back to Luna and said, “What is the last thing you remember before coming here?”


“What’s the point of talking to her? She’s in denial.” Sigan sneered.

Seymour shut his eyes and turned way. Luna, even though pretty much confused, could swear that she saw disbelief and sadness reflected in those eyes.

“You really don’t remember anything, do you?” He said softly, pressing her against him. She could feel his heart beat, and it’s warm, as warm as any human’s.

“Why you!!!” Blitz forgot to stay still and charged at him.

Sigan smirked at him, hands outstretched, ready to strike him once more, feet spread apart to natural stance so that his center of gravity is positioned in the middle, unable to strike him down. As he reached out to strike his shoulder, Blitz ducked and did an uppercut, catching him just below his chin, knocking him from below. Enraged, Sigan rushed at him, fingernails turning into hooked claws, slashing him across the chest. Five thin lines appeared and started bleeding.

“Blitz!” Luna shoved herself out of Seymour’s arms and ran over to him, much to his jealousy. Oh dear God, the slashes weren’t deep but they’re bleeding a lot. The white shirt he wore is now being soaked rapidly with fresh red blood. “We have to stop the bleeding.”

“It’s not that deep.” Blitz said.

“How can you say that? You’re losing a lot of blood.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill him that fast…’ Sigan said, claws stained with blood. “I have to say though, this not the first time boys have died for you.”


“Care for me to repeat it? Boys fallen in love with you never stay alive that long.” Sigan said, looking at Seymour, who’s looking white with anger, though his expression is not showing it, but his eyes are burning with jealousy. “Seymour had never wanted any guys near you so often we dispose of them…permanently.”

Luna felt pain stabbing her head. Gasping, she swore she could hear voices in her head, but she can’t recall remember any of them.

“Let me go…”

“I won’t…”

“Please, just let me go…”

“I won’t let any men near you, you hear me?”

“Leave her alone!” Blitz shouted, hovering her protectively.

“Kill him, Sigan.” Seymour’s ice became cold like ice. “There’s no need to hold back anymore.”

Sigan grinned. “I’ve been hoping you would say that…” He suddenly charged with lightning speed, grabbing Blitz by the shirt and dashing him onto the ground while striking random parts of his body. Even though Blitz could see that his bleeding, he can’t seem to feel any pain.

“Maybe it’s time I explained to you what I can do.” Sigan said, yanking him by the head. “It’s actually rather amusing, really. Have you ever studied human anatomy?”

“No, I did Engineering.” Blitz said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Well, then, let me make it simple. Your nerve points are all sealed. Think of it as an anesthetics. For example,” His claws sliced in the air, adding a cut on his forearm. “You can’t feel the cut, couldn’t you? Even if I were to make it deeper…” He stabbed in a little deeper than intended.

Blitz stared at the open cut on his arm. He’s right, he realized. I can’t feel pain at all. They really are not humans. Hard to believe but it’s true.

“Stop!” Luna tried to intervene but Demise held her. “No, Sis. You don’t have to get involved.”

“It’s like I said, princess, no boys had ever lived long when they’re near you.”

Something clung onto his arm and he turned to see Blitz grabbing hold of his arm.

“Don’t underestimate me, you freak.” Blitz said, his eyes flaring.

Somewhere in the distance, a thunder rumbled even though the sky is still bright.

“Do you really want go to the grave that badly, boy?” Sigan said, trying to fling him off but Blitz held onto him tightly.

“I don’t know who you guys are, but leave Luna alone. She doesn’t remember anything, so stop tormenting her.”

“You’re saying…She has amnesia?” Seymour spoke in a deadly voice.

“Are you stubborn? She has been mentioning it since from the start.” Blitz said.

Everyone turned to her who is clutching her head tightly again, completely oblivious to everything around her.

“What???” Demise said, looking startled.

Seymour whirled on Sigan, “What happened that day?”


“You told me she fell off that day and didn’t survive.” Seymour said. “What happened on that day, Sigan?”

Sigan turned back to Blitz, ignoring him. “Well, boy, you seemed to have make that part clear, so we’ll take her back, amnesia or no, we’ll grab her after I’m done with you.”

Thunder suddenly rumbled loudly and struck him on the spot, causing him to get electrocuted.

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