Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 18 - At The Brink...

Blitz ran up towards the officers, trying to get past them but one of them spotted him and went, “Just what on earth are you doing, kid?”

“My friend. I got to help my friend!” He said, trying to push his way pass but the officer held him back.

“Stop, you can’t do anything now! If you enter too recklessly, that crazy man will kill her.”

“I don’t care, just let me through! “ Blitz tried to barge his way but another officer held him. “Just calm down, kiddo.”

“Calm down, how can I calm down when my friend’s in danger?”

“Please, just stay calm.” The officer who’s restraining him pleaded. “I know how it feels when your friend’s in danger, but he haven’t kill her yet.”

“How can you be so sure that he won’t suddenly turn into a double headed snake?” Blitz stopped fighting with the officer.

Actually, I have no idea as well, but I can’t tell that to the kid, the officer thought. Instead, he said, ”I just know, okay, kiddo?”


“Let them go.”


“Why do you even bother taking them hostage?”

“They’re just an extra precaution.”

Luna did something brave then. She tugged at his jacket and said, “You’re evil, you know that? How can you be so cruel?”

“You don’t remember. Everyone back there is always tearing us apart.” Seymour said, facing her sapphire eyes which are burning with anger. “And even here too, that boy just have to interfere in everything.”

Both of them are sitting on a couch that is in the waiting area with the place barricaded with plastic chairs and the tables against the wall. About twenty or more people huddled close together, looking fearful.

“You want me right? Then let the others go and I’ll stay.”

Seymour regarded her with amusement. “If you have said that long time ago, I would’ve been happy to do so. But unfortunately, we’re in a different circumstances now.”

Luna raised her hand to slap him, except he caught her hand and said, “Beautiful… Those eyes burning with resolve. Those are the eyes that I wanted to see.” He then forced her hand down and held the Glock up. “But we are in the wrong world to be doing this.” He then pointed the Glock at the hostages, who gave a shriek and huddled closer. “Bring me one of your communication devices.”

Communication devices? Luna looked a momentarily stunned. Does he mean a cell phone???

One of the hostages went and placed a Blackberry on the table. Hard and black like a small rectangle with buttons all around its keypad. It’s really high-tech, with wireless connection and all.

He picked it up and said, “What a strange device.”

“Have you ever seen or used a Blackberry before?” Luna asked with sarcasm.

“To be frank, I don’t get along with technology.” Nevertheless, his fingers thumbed the keypad with ease and he waited for the call to get through.


The head officer jumped a mile when his communication radio buzzed. “You have a call. Would you like to answer it?” The computer voice asked pleasantly.

“Yes, please.”

The call was answered and a cold voice came down the line. “I don’t think I need to introduce myself.”

“What on earth do you want?”

Blitz, who had been brought over by the officers and is now being offered a cup of tea to soothe his nerves, asked the head. “Who is it?”

It’s him, the head mouthed.

Blitz nearly dropped his cup of tea as he went over to the head radio and yelled into the mouthpiece. “You SOB. What have you done with Luna?!”

“You.” The single word dripped like venomous toxic on the line.

“Let Luna go!”

“Shut up, boy. She’s mine, and in case you haven’t forgotten, I got some people held captive in here. It would be wise not to make me angry, otherwise my finger might slip and pull the trigger.”

“Kid, calm down. Let me try talking to him.” The head said soothingly but Blitz yelled some more in the mouthpiece. “Where’s Luna, you narcissist?”

“How rude.” The voice in the line seemed entertained rather than being mad. “If you really insist…” There was a slight muffled sound down on the line and silence.

Then, like a soft breeze blowing. “Blitz…”

“Luna, are you safe?“ He can feel relief doused into his body.

“Um…” She was about to answer when there’s another muffled sound and he came on the line. “Satisfied?”

“Just what on earth do you really want?”

“I don’t want to talk with you. Pass the head over or you’ll be picking bits of dead bodies once I’m through.”

Gritting his teeth, Blitz let the head talk in private in his car while the other officer tries calming him.

Calm? How can he be calm? That guy is sick. And venomous like a poisonous cobra, not the tame ones that you see in zoos, but the ones that are deadly, ready to strike with its poisonous fangs.

The head had been on the radio all the time. Nodding, and shaking his head, his expression stiff and unreadable. He could feel his stomach tightening as the head glanced his way and muttered some more.

It seemed like an eternity when the head finally got off the radio and came over to him.

“What did he say? Is Luna alright?”

“The girl’s fine.” The head said. “But he asked me to pass a message to you. He said, “Send that boy in alone. Don’t think about negotiating, if he comes in alone, I’ll let the hostages go. If not, I keep them.””

“That rat.” Blitz slammed his fist into the officer cruiser, causing a huge dent, causing one of the officers to go, “Hey, kid, watch it.”

The head looked worried. “Kiddo, if you don’t want to go in, then it’s alright. We’ll think of something else.”

“No.” Blitz said. “I’ll go.”

“Are you sure?” The head said. “I can’t guarantee your safety once you step in.”

“It’s alright.” Blitz said. “It’s me he hated most anyway. Knowing him, he might keep his word. As soon as he lets others go, get them to safety.”

The head watched him as Blitz headed up the steps. Part of him had wanted to ask what is his relationship with that girl, and how on earth does he know that crazed guy? But another part of him resisted, telling it’s better not to ask.

He better let that crazed guy know about the situation. Perhaps, perhaps the boy can be spared.


Seymour listened intently as the head explained the situation on the line. Smiling with satisfaction he then said, “Everyone, out.”

The captives let out a huge breath of relief and they quickly run out, not giving a second glance to him or the girl he held hostage. They just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

“Finally, we can settle this face to face.” Seymour let Luna leaned against his chest as he played with the ammunition. “But before he arrives, let me tell you a little something.”

“I don’t want to hear it from you.” Luna covered her ears but Seymour wrenched her hands away and said, “Oh, but it has something to do with you. A little…piece of information about yourself.”

Luna stopped struggling. “What?”

Seymour leaned in and whispered, “You’re just like me.”

Luna stared at his appearance and shook her head, but he threw back his head and laughed. “I don’t mean by appearance, princess, I meant my race. Our race.”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“You’re not human.”

At that moment, Blitz stepped out from the doorway. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“You heard me boy, she’s not human. ”

“Shut up.” Blitz picked something out from his pocket. A Swiss army knife that he always carry around. “You wanted me, I’m here.”

“Oh, so you wanted to play with blades?” Seymour tucked the Glock into his waistband and smiled tauntingly. “Then so can I.”

He brought out something long and thin out of thin air. A scabbard. Pulling the weapon free , he swung it a few times like a painter flicking his brush and held it in front of him one handedly. It’s extremely long and thin, with a beautifully designed handle and a shining blade which seemed purplish red in some lights.

“Murasama.” Seymour said calmly. “The blade is considered to be evil and bloodthirsty, but it suits me just fine. Can you feel it though? It’s lusting for blood.”

Blitz suddenly felt something inside him shriveled up. The Swiss Army knife in his hand looked like a toy compared to the blade. What is he suppose to do anyway? Feel the wrath of my mini Swiss Army knife???


“You should not have appeared that night boy.” Seymour said. “I wanted to take her that night, but you showed up and ruined everything.”

“Then maybe it’s a good thing I did.” Blitz then charged, hacking the knife upwards but one swing from the Murasama caused him to fly into the air and crashed onto some tables.

“Blitz!” Luna tried to run towards him but he blocked her way with the Murasama.

“You don’t have to care for him, he’s only a human who has his powers drawn from the ley lines.” Seymour said.

Luna feel anger washing her like tsunami. Without even thinking, she swung her hand like a fan and an ice stalagmite blasted itself form beneath, colliding with his sword, and also causing her to stumble back in fear.

What??? She stared at the ice stalagmite in shock. Where did that came from?

“It came from you, of course.” Seymour fingered the stalagmite. “I had always wondered why you never use any of your ice and moonlight powers. Now I know. Your amnesia also caused your powers to sleep.”

A pain zapped through her head and she clutched at her temples. A vision slammed itself onto her head and she saw a girl in blue surrounded in ice. A tall girl in white was talking to the girl in blue. The face is very blurry but the girl in blue… Her face is exactly like hers, sapphire eyes, pale skin that glows like moonlight, except her hair is slightly different from hers.

She gave a huge gasp.

The girl is her. That means, the girl who has been blasting ice IS her.

“It can’t be me.” She clutched at her hair. “It can’t be me!” Her voice is rising in hysteria and tears.

“Luna?” Blitz pulled himself up and stared.

“You never knew, did you, boy?” Seymour said, a triumphant air surrounding him. “She is never human.”

“I’m not. I’m not.” Blitz could see she’s in a state of denial. Hysteria is bubbling beneath her and tears are flowing from her eyes.

“You are…” His voice had dropped its harshness and coldness. Now it’s soothing and understanding. “You were never human from the start. Just let me embrace you, and I’ll tell you everything that you need to know. ”

“Don’t listen to him, Luna!” Blitz shouted, blasting thunder from his knife. But a dark shield emerged from beneath and nullified the thunder.

“You’re in my way.” Seymour said, swinging Murasama with a down stroke. Blitz was thrown off his feet and sent crashing through the chairs. He then turned back to Luna, who is panting very hard. “Now then, where were we?”

Without warning, ice erupted from all over the place, coating the ceiling, the walls, the furniture, everywhere. It as though a blizzard had arrived and hit the entire place.

Except this time, her eyes did not turn misty white, but tears are glittering like jewels on her lashes. The cold blizzard wind whipped her hair like a violent storm. More and more frost hungrily made its way towards him, freezing his legs and slowly made its way up to his body, trying to freeze him in ice.

This had gone long enough, Seymour thought, stabbing his blade down and punching Luna hard on the stomach. It knocked her out off her trance and she collapsed. Her legs folded beneath her and she crumpled like a wilted flower. The ice suddenly stopped as though someone hit a switch and it shattered into shards.

Blitz shoved a few chairs off him and made his way to where they are and there he is, holding Luna with one arm, another holding the Glock.

“You already lost.” He said, the Glock suddenly seems bigger in front his view, which looks more threatening.

“You’re obsessed, you know that?”

Seymour seemed to consider something, then slowly, he brought her up and gave a soft kiss on her forehead.

Blitz jumped a mile when he saw that snake kissing her so passionately, it’s not even fast at all, but he’s relishing his time, enjoying the moment, brushing his lips softly against her forehead. The way he’s doing it, it’s as though he’s not an enemy at all, more like lovers.

Jealousy, boiling like hot magma rushed into his body like adrenaline. Why, why that, that….CREEP!!!!!

“No need to get jealous on my account.” Seymour said, straightening himself up. “She’s mine after all.”

“Stop right there.”

Seymour ignored him and made his way out.

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