Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 14 - Rumbling Thunder

It happened so sudden. One minute the sky was bright, now the sky has darken. The bright sunny day is suddenly clouded by dark thunderstorm which is building up. A huge gale whipped through the place, howling loudly like a banshee shriek. Thunderstorms boomed loudly and danced in the sky like blue white sparks against the dark clouds.

Sigan was on the ground, hair fizzled and his eyes staring in shock at the sky. Blitz, surprisingly, was unharmed, even though the thunder had struck Sigan with pin point accuracy, and he was holding him, but somehow, he’s unscathed.

Seymour was staring at him with the same unfazed expression. ”Oh, who would’ve thought?” His eyes then fell on the lightning tattoo on the side of his face. “I should’ve known…”

“What’s happening, Bro? What is it?” Demise is looking at the sky with a slightly panicky look in his face.

“It seemed we have miscalculated something.” Seymour said.

Blitz stared at the thunderstorm in shock. What just happened? He was staring at the heavy storm clouds. Was it… I did this?

Luna, her head finally stopped throbbing, was staring at Blitz in amazement. Did he… Did he…

“Did I just do that?” He was staring in horror at Sigan who is pulling himself up, despite the fact that he had been struck by thunder. No ordinary human could survive that. He should’ve been fried.

“Enough playtime, boy.” Sigan snarled, palms stretced out, about to call out something when Seymour intercepted him. “Wait.”

“What are you doing, Seymour? Let me kill the boy.”

“You’re in no condition.” Seymour stood in a natural stance. “Go and stand with Demise.”

Sigan was about to argue but something in his eyes warned him not to push it. Snarling, he dropped his palms and was about to turn when Seymour’s voice pierced his frustration. “And…you’re going to tell me what happened on that day.”

Blitz stared at the man in front of him. He look so confident, and a little arrogant. This is the kind of man who have no second thoughts about killing him, even though he has no idea what’s going on.

“Why do you want Luna so badly?” Blitz asked, trying to figure him out.

“That’s none of your concern, boy.“ Seymour said softly. “She’s mine from the start, and I’m not going to let some thunder mortal take her from me.”

Thunder? So I really can…manipulate thunder?

Despite the fact he’s in a matter of life and death here, Blitz could feel a glow of pride swelling beneath him. He can’t believe it but it’s so cool.

A line from the journal seemed to be echoing in his head, over and over again. The ground that the town is built on top on is surrounded by magical streams of nature which is a—Magical streams of nature…

Magical streams of nature…

In other words, ley lines that harness the magical’s forces.

So, magic does really exist? Blitz thought, bringing his fists up.

“I’ll let you make the first move first, give you a little handicap.” Seymour said, looking relaxed. “3 chances. If you can’t touch me after 3 hits, then you lose.”

“What are you playing at?” Blitz said, looking suspicious.

“Come then. First hit.”

“If you insist.” Blitz charged and tried a straight punch, following with a spinning kick, but his feet seemed to touch thin air.

“Missed.” Seymour smiled, standing a few steps aside where he had struck.

He’s fast, Blitz thought. Even as I lashed out, he’s one step ahead of me.

“I’m betting Bro would win. Who’re you going to bet on Sis?” Demise asked.

Luna ignored him, her hands fixed on her lap, clenching tightly on her skirt, staring rigidly on the scene in front of her.

“Suit yourself.” He shrugged.

Blitz did another technique, this time it’s a karate sweep, his leg is supposed to hook the lower limb and unbalance him but instead he caught thin air again.

“Your last round.”

Blitz took a deep breath as he faced him, letting his mind clear. The thunderstorm is still rumbling in the sky. That Seymour guy had already said it too. He can control lightning. But how? What made him call out lightning like this? Think. Think. Think.

“What’s he doing, meditating?” Sigan’s voice taunted in his ear.

“Let’s just wait and see.” Demise replied.

I was trying to protect myself… To protect her as well… I couldn’t let that creep take her away right? And besides, I never noticed before, but I can sense their presence. It’s dark like pools of bottomless pits.

Blitz opened his eyes and charged, lashing out with his fist just like last time.

“You already did that move, boy.” Seymour laughed.

“I’m not done yet. Take this!”

Blitz lash out with his foot. A straight forward thrust. Well it should have been a thrust except a thrust of lightning appeared as well, causing him to stumble back, losing his composure for the first time. Nevertheless, he grabbed his shins and threw him over like an upturned beetle.

“Ouch! “ Blitz gasped as a searing sharp pain ran through his leg.

“That was unexpected.” Seymour said, looming over him. “I never expected you to use lightning against me. My turn.”

Blitz rolled out of the way just in time like an upturned turtle as Seymour’s feet slammed the ground where his head have been few seconds earlier. What shocked him is not the speed, but the force as the ground cracked into fissures.

“Oh God…” He gulped as he saw the size of the fissure, which is a huge 360 degree circle. He had never expected that, insane speed, yes, but insane strength, no.

“Why don’t we just quit this pointless fighting now? Just give me the girl and I’ll spare your life.”

“No.” Blitz said, standing on his ground.

“You’re weird.” Seymour gave a chuckle. “Did you know how many people had betrayed her just to save their lives? You’re the first to actually stand on your ground....”

“She’s my friend. My first ever friend in this place.” Blitz spat. “I won’t hand her to someone like you.”

Seymour’s eyes flashed. “So be it, boy. If you want to die so badly then I’ll send you myself.”

Thunderstorm flashed brightly as Blitz glanced up at the sky. Thunder sparks are booming loudly and dancing in the sky, as though to support him.

Maybe, in a way, it does, Blitz thought, closing his fists.

Seymour suddenly appeared behind him and lashed out with his heel, sending him slamming on the ground. He even added in a roundhouse kick which caught him by his ribs. There was a sharp snap as three of his ribs snapped.

“I missed.” Seymour said calmly.

An arrow whooshed past him and he turned to see Luna holding a bow and an arrow, pointing it at him.

“Demise!” Sigan shouted.

“I didn’t noticed she sneaked off.” Demise said, looking innocent as always.

“Do you intend to shoot me?” Seymour said, his voice dropping soft, trying to entice her.

Luna still held the bow high, but he could see that her hands are shaking. I get it, she missed… He thought, amused with the thought.

“You leave him alone right now.” Luna said, steadying her hands. “Otherwise, I’ll do it.”

“Really? Can you really pull the trigger?”

As if to show him, she released the string. The arrow soared towards him like a missile and would’ve struck him, except he caught it in between his fingers.

Blitz took the advantage to aim a jab at the jaw with lightning emitting from his fist, which nearly caught him except he dodged and let him crash onto the ground. Nevertheless, a thin cut appeared on his cheek.

“Sigan. Demise. We’re leaving.”

“What?” Sigan looked outraged.

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Seymour said, glancing at Blitz, who is lying on the ground, clutching his broken ribs. “If she haven’t intervened, then you might’ve been dead, boy. Next time, you might end up as a blood-stained corpse.”

He then walked towards Luna who haven’t lowered her bow, though she didn’t load any arrows…yet. He loosen the bow from her hand and said, “I’ll be back again, princess. I enjoy to see how things unfold in the future.”

“Get…lost.” Blitz was vaguely reminded of that creepy poltergeist in a film that he watched back in Washington DC, because that’s exactly how she sounded right now.

Instead of walking, he teleported in a swirl of dark orbs, laughing. Sigan grunted and teleported as well with clouds of black feathers. Demise gave them a cheery wave and disappeared in a storm of rose petals.

The thunderstorm had finally stopped and the sky had finally cleared, bringing in sunshine. Debris of the temple grounds, black feathers and rose petals lay scattered all over the place.

Luna went over to Blitz silently, dropping to her knees and tearing his shirt open to find a bluish black bruise on the side of his body.

“He’s gone…” He said softly.

“I’ll get some medicine…” Luna muttered, getting up when someone shouted. “Witch!”

She turned to find a crowd of teenagers on the top steps, glaring at her with pure hostility.

“You attacked the new guy, didn’t you?”

Despite the pain, Blitz got up and shouted, “Leave her alone! She tried to protect me!”

“Yeah right. Look at the state of yourself.” One of them jerked his head at his broken ribs. “Protect you? More like harming you.”

“Get lost, you she-devil.” Stones hurtled out of nowhere and some would’ve caught Luna but blitz intervened and yelled in pain as some hit him on his broken ribs.

“Blitz…” Luna whispered, looking teary-eyed.

As the teenagers aimed the stones at them again, there was a yell and one of them was knocked out.

“What? What is it?”

“Leave them alone, you creeps.”

That voice…Blitz thought as blood tricked down from his forehead.


“Stay out of this, Angelo.”

“You mess with my cousin, you mess with me. You guys got exactly thirty seconds to get out of here before I call the sheriff. Beat it!”

The teenagers glared at Luna for one last time and ran off as fast as their legs will allow.

“God, Blitz, what happened to you?” Scorpio asked, staring at the mess and Blitz’s injuries.

“Scor, you will not believe if I tell you.” Blitz said.

“You’re a mess, you know that?” Scorpio linked one of his arms onto Blitz’s shoulders. “Luna, is it? Help me out here.”

Luna unsteadily got to her feet and linked her arm to his other shoulder, and together they made their way down the steps.

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