Friday, January 11, 2013

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 19 – Highway Chase

The officers held their gun as he made his out, carrying Luna lovingly in his arms.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” The head demanded through his bullhorn. “You said you will let all the hostages go!”

“I said I let all those that I held captive go, I didn’t say I’ll let her go. She’s mine.” Seymour said nastily.

“You liar!”

“Shut up. You’re going to give me one of your cars and I’m taking my girl out of here.” He put the Glock near Luna’s motionless head. “Or you could start picking out bits of her brains here.”

“You’re mad.”

“I said, shut up.”

Blitz stumbled out of the doorway, covered in bruises and bumps. He looked beaten up but his eyes are blazing with determination.

“You let her go right now.” He yelled.

Seymour turned the Glock on him and fired. The bullet hit the door frame, narrowly missing him. Blitz gave a yelp and stumbled. He missed on purpose, showing that he could kill him off anytime but chose not to.

“Just do as he says.” The head officer said with defeat.

Some officers stayed way back as Seymour made his way down. Keeping his guards up, he got into the driver’s seat wand then carefully set Luna on the passenger’s seat. She looked fast asleep, with a serene look on her face, completely oblivious to the fiasco around her.

Giving them a mock salute, he reversed out of the lane and revved off, hitting the accelerator so fast that the tires screeched loudly and left tire marks on the road.

Blitz didn’t know what came over him, but next thing he knew, he’s fishing out his car keys and heading to his old Honda where he had left it and stab the key into the ignition.

“Kid, where are you going?” The head asked in alarm.

“To rescue my friend!” He yelled as he slammed the gear into action and gave chase.

The head was about to say something when an officer cruiser gave chase, causing him to go, “Who’s that? Tell them to stop!”

“Sir, that’s not our men driving.” An officer said.

The head could only drop his radio in shock.


Feeling slightly nauseous and not fully conscious, Luna forced her body to sit up straight and even though her eyes are not open, to steady herself and try to figure out the situation she’s in right now. Except, she’s really feeling sick with nausea.

She felt something being pushed gently into her hand, the wrinkling sound of plastic like music into her ears and she threw up. Someone was pulling the back of head with soft tender gentleness so that her hair does not get dirty.

When she was done, someone took the bag from her and she could feel her stomach relaxing slightly.

Must get up… She thought weakly.

Her eyelids are very heavy, struggling, she forced her eyes to open and she felt her stomach flipped.

Where on earth am I? She freaked.

She saw something on her lap, a glossy carrier bag lined with multi-coloured tissue. And a smaller bag containing fried noodles and some croissants. Fingers trembling slightly, she unwrap the tissue and felt her eyes widened with surprise.

A one piece sailor dress and it’s such a darling. The sailor collar and the edgings are rose pink, with the dress ending just above her knee, short but strictly not micro-mini, with long sleeves decorated with ribbons and instead of a scarf, a ribbon in a brilliant shade of aquamarine.

“Your clothes are getting worn out.”

She jumped and clutched the dress tightly near her chest to find Seymour, lying down on his seat which he had pulled back into a sleeping position.

Luna took a look at her clothes and he’s right. To put it bluntly, it’s a mess. The shrine maiden clothes had became wrinkly and limp, her hands and legs covered with bruises, and her hair is slightly messed up.

“I’ll give you some privacy.” He shut his eyes as though he’s sleeping. “But don’t think of escaping. I locked all the doors by magic so it’s impossible to escape.”

Luna stared at the sailor dress again. She could feel it calling to her, asking her to try it on and she will not regret it, telling her once she put it on everything will be alright.

It was thirty minutes later when she had finally finished. She is now wearing the dress which fit her just right, showing off the curves of her body. She had also found a comb, a small pack of tissue wipes to clean the dirt off her skin, and a small bottle of perfume. She stuffed her worn out shrine maiden outfit into the carrier bag, and hungrily devoured the entire noodles and croissants with mineral water. She haven’t had a decent meal since he brought her here and she’s already starving.

Now he had opened his eyes and is staring at her like a blind man staring at the light for the first time. “The dress suits you.” He played with the Glock again, looking really interested with it. “If I had known these are good, I would’ve gotten one for my own instead of giving them to the monks.”

Luna blinked. “Monks?”

“My monks of Ajora.” He said, smiling that mysterious wolfish smile of his. “You haven’t seemed to have gained back your memories of there yet.”

Luna pounded her fists on her lap. “I just can’t remember. I just can’t.”

“You don’t have to.” He grabbed her arm just like last time, not too hard, not too gently but firm. “All you just need to know is I love you, and only you alone.”

“Don’t…” She whispered as he leaned in.

“Do you really want me to? But we had been apart for so-” He paused. At first she wondered why, then she saw from the corner of her eye.

An old Honda, heading in their direction. On the wheel, driven by fury…

The spell being broken, Seymour gritted his teeth, let go of her arm, and slammed the accelerator and Luna felt herself being thrown against the car door as he swerved sharply and accelerated.

“I won’t let anyone come into our way ever again.” He glared at the back window, letting the needle run past 100.

Blitz in his car was keeping sight of the cruiser that is gaining speed. Although his Honda is old and second-handed, it’s able to keep up. The one thing that really scares him are the sharp curves. Although Seymour is having no problem with the curves, swerving in and out of the road sharply.

Come on Blitz, they’re just curves… He tell himself, but yet he still felt a little tense. Curves are never his strong point, but even so… He waited til he’s precisely nearly half way through then he turned, nearly banging the rocky mountains walls.

I did it. He thought giddily.


Blitz was thrown forward as the impact came from behind. What on God’s name is going on?

As he straightened himself up, there came another almighty BANG! And he was thrown forwards again, banging his head on the wheel. He turned to see… What the- That kid!

Demise and Sigan are behind him, driving another cruiser. Demise was on the wheel, smiling serenely, the front of the cruiser all bent and dented.

How can a kid like him drive?! Blitz accelerated but there came another BANG! And Demise banged the cruiser into his Honda again.

Hell, Blitz thought.

Even as he watched from the back window, Sigan is now climbing out of the cruiser, the wind whipping at his hair and the shirt he wore. Without even thinking, he leapt over to Blitz’s Honda with an almighty thud and tried to strike his hands but Blitz swerved sharply to make him fall off, except he grunted and clung onto the roof of his Honda , ducking low to avoid being unbalanced.

“Get off, darn it!” Blitz shouted, hitting the gas which caused Sigan to be thrown forward. Glaring at him, Sigan propelled himself back to the cruiser with Demise concentrating on trying to bang him off the road . As Blitz turned back to the front, a bullet ricocheted off the front of his car. Seymour is driving with his eyes on the road but one hand holding the Glock is aimed at him.

Even as Blitz watched, a bullet came smashing into his windscreen.

“That’s my first ever car, you jerk.” Blitz gasped in outrage and sped some more, his needle going past 120. Thank God it’s a straight road now in the highway so he don’t mind speeding. He was finally neck to neck with Seymour at last, who glared at him and prepared to pull the trigger-

Luna from the passenger seat clung at his arm, causing the bullet to miss. It hit the windscreen which now has two bullet holes on them.

“Princess, don’t interfere.” He shouted.

“I won’t let you hurt Blitz!” She shouted, clinging onto him tightly.

Blitz took the opportunity, after begging for God’s forgiveness, and rammed his Honda against Seymour who was thrown to the side, but still maintaining on the road.

“You brat.” Seymour hissed, swerving the wheel sharply so that Blitz was knocked against the steel railing., also causing Luna to fall onto his lap while clinging awkwardly onto his hand which is holding the gun.

Blitz had it, it’s bad enough that he kidnapped Luna but to dent his car and made bullet holes on them, it’s unforgivable. He let the needle run past 150 and stopped suddenly in front of the road, causing Seymour to hit the brakes. The tires screeched and squealed, battling against friction on the road and causing a rail of tire marks in its wake. Demise and Sigan pulled up behind him shortly after he had stopped.

Blitz jumped out of his car just as Seymour got out of his. Without even pausing, Blitz rammed his fist into his face, charged with lightning. He received a direct hit in the face and staggered. Not giving him time to recover, Blitz followed it with a kick in the guts and a palm thrust, all with lightning charge.

“I’m not giving you time to recover.” Blitz panted.

Without noticing, Seymour hooked his shins and unbalanced him, causing him to stumble onto the ground. Quick as a venomous cobra, he stamped Blitz on the abdomen, causing him to gag painfully.

“Stupid brat.” He sneered, wiping his bleeding lip. “You think that mere lightning attack can knock me down? Though I must say that you have improved.”

“Stop it!“

Blitz saw Luna running into their direction. Now why has her clothes changed? But anyhow, she looks cute in it.

“Stay back!” Seymour whipped the Glock out but she didn’t even flinch. She grabbed his hand and raised it so that the Glock is pointing directly at her head.

“You kill him, then you have to shoot me first.” She said without flinching or fear, but her own heart thumping hard.


“I don’t care. Kill me first before you kill him. Because what better way to make him suffer?” She said, gripping his hands tightly.

“Luna, are you insane?” Blitz gasped, trying to get up but his stomach is hurting.

For the first time, Seymour’s entire face turned white, the Glock in his hand trembled too, the grip slackening. She could see it in his eyes, that he didn’t want to…

Kill her.

Freeing his hand from hers, he pulled Blitz up from the ground and shoved him to her. “That brat, I’ll leave you with her a little longer.” He shoved the gun into his waistband. “But next time, I’ll claim her back. Enjoy while you still can. ”

“Bro, are you serious?” Demise said as Luna held Blitz protectively. “I could just behead that boy in a sec.”

“Don’t you dare!” Luna’s eyes flashed for a moment and ice crystals erupted from beneath him.

“Wowee!” Demise jumped against Sigan, knocking him over.

“Draw back for now.” Seymour glanced at Luna with sadness in his eyes. “But next time, I’ll pry that boy apart.”

In a swirl of dark orbs, he teleported, so did Demise and Sigan, leaving 3 battered cars alone with Luna and Blitz in the middle of the road.

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