Hello everybody, sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I've been busy with life lately til it's madness. And there's my family who are trying to stop me from writing, well, you know, all the stuff...
Originally, the story was actually supposed to be much longer, but I been getting some mails from readers who said could I make the story shorter, maybe around 300 pages or so? That way they don't have to carry a 505 page book that maybe the equivalent of an Oxford dictionary (Which is the book that I first wrote). So, I've been giving a shot at writing at around 300-400, hopefully this one may come out this year. I already submitted the sketches and cover design to my good cover designer friend, hopefully he'll be able to finish it ASAP. (I'm not hurrying him, but like I said, hopefully he can finish it and then I'll be able to submit it along with the manuscript to lulu.com)
The story that you see now is actually considered the first draft, I'm actually already in the process of editing the manuscript right now, cutting the irrelevant parts, adding details that I missed and double checking on spelling errors (I may seriously have to consider finding an editor...), so it'll take a while too.
Don't worry, I'll let you all know when the next project arrives. I'm off to editing...again.
Supernatural Demon Slayers on sale:
I don't know why and it's none of my business unless you say so, but I don't think your family should try to stop you writing. And also, I have to thank you for the link. Good to hear from you again.