Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 6 - Bonding Friendship

The shrine maiden as usual was sweeping up the dead leaves when Blitz showed up, holding two carrier bags.

“Hi.” He said as he climbed the last of the steps.

“What do you want?” She asked without facing him. “Do you want to have your fortune told again?”

“Uh-uh.” Blitz said, shaking his head. “I brought meals for the both of us. We can eat it together.”

The maiden faced him, her broom held loosely in her hands. Her eyes, he noted, they’re not just like pieces of the sky, but more like luminous exotic sapphires. “Having a meal….together?”

“Yeah.” Blitz said, holding out one of the carrier bags to her. “Come on, you deserve a break.”

It was hard to tell what the maiden is thinking, but after what seems like five minutes or so, hesitating, she took the carrier bag from him, saying very softly til he nearly couldn’t catch what she’s saying. “We can sit by the temple…”

“Sounds good.”

Moments later, they were sitting on the raised wooden platform of the shrine. He noticed that the shrine maiden nibbled at her food, and rarely talking. Poor girl, he thought, remembering how he first met her. It must’ve been hard for her, being shunned by the teenagers of the town.

“Your wrist!” He suddenly exclaimed. “Is it okay?”

The girl showed him her wrist, the sleeve of her haori pulled back. The bluish black bruise is still there, but has faded a little.

“’Does it still hurt?” He asked.

“I’m already used to it.” She said. Her voice, unlike that day, is soft, mellow like the gentle flow of water instead of passive and hard like solid ice.

“They shouldn’t do that to you.” Blitz said, stabbing into his pasta. “What gives the right to judge you?”

“That’s their problem.” The girl said softly, putting down her half-eaten pasta. “I’m not from this town. I’m an outsider.”

Blitz’s ears perked up. “You’re…an outsider? But, you parents live here right?”

The girl stared at him. “I don’t have parents.”

“What about brothers, or sisters? Anyone?” He trailed off as she shook her head.

“I don’t know.” She said, staring at the sky, which is now as blue as her hair.

Blitz choked on his Italian soda til she turned to him, her face expressionless, but her eyes showed a hint of compassion. “You okay?”

“You…don’t know… anything? Amnesia?” He gasped, eyes watering.

The girl nodded. “I don’t know who am I, or where I came from. I was found washed ashore the river in the Shadow Woods. Mayor Richards found me and took me in, saying that I’ll be able to find my memories.”

“That’s kind of him.” Blitz said softly. He then caught sight of her face. “You got some sauce on your face.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. She murmured her thanks and took it, wiping her face.

They didn’t see a tall dark silhouette standing under the tree watching them, dressed head to toe in black, hidden in the trees shadows. The silhouette watched them for a few moments or so, then left.

“Thank you.” The girl said in her soft tone.

“Hey, it’s no big deal…” Blitz said, clearing up the empty containers and soda bottles. “If you like, we can have lunch later on.”

The girl shrugged. ”I don’t know….”

“Come on. You can come down to the town tomorrow. Do you know where’s Casa de Angelo?”

“You mean Gemini Angelo’s place? I’ve been there to buy grape wine for prayers.”

“Great.” Blitz said. “Then come by for lunch. I can cook the best pizza that you had ever made.”

“Alright…” The girl gave in. “I’ll be there…”


“Why are you being nice to me?” She asked abruptly.

Blitz gave a no-big shrug. “I don’t like seeing people bullying others. And, I want to know more about you.” He then held out his hand. “Friends?”

The girl felt her heart stop still for a moment. Friends? Friends? She never thought she could make any friends in this town. Given the fact that she’s a witch, according to the teenagers. And this guy, who recently just moved into town, had offered to be her friend.

She stared at his hand, still out, then slowly held it.

“Friends.” She whispered.

When Blitz had left, she resumed to sweeping up the leaves. Except she couldn’t focus, her mind is filled with just a single thought. Friends, friends, friends, friends…. I actually have a friend… Strange boy, but he considers me as a friend.

A caw shook her out of her thoughts and she looked up and felt a tinge of annoyance. There’s that raven again. It has been bugging her since that boy, Blitz came. But it might have nothing to do with him.

“Shoo!” She said, ignoring it.

The raven stood very still, its blood red eyes staring up at her. She could see herself reflected in those eyes, and felt a chill up her spine. It’s just a raven for goodness sake , she calmed herself. What harm could it do to you?

The raven suddenly gave a squawrk and flew at her, flapping at her face, pulling out bits of her hair. She gave a shriek and tried to fan it off but it just kept tugging at her hair, refusing to let go.

Suddenly a stone flew past her and the raven gave an angry caw, flying away with strands of her hair in its beak. Shaking rather badly, the girl collapsed to the ground.

What was that all about? She thought, her thoughts spinning wildly. Why did it attack me???

Darkness is slowly engulfing her but she could hear the faint sound of boot heels clacking against the stone grounds of the temple…


Darkness then swallowed her and she gave in peacefully. Last thing she remembered though, was being lifted off the ground.

Sigan had hidden himself in the Shadow Woods when Demise appeared in a breeze of rose petals.

“Darn you, why did you stop me?” He spat. Some the girl’s hair are in his hands, like strands of blue threads in the shadows.

“I didn’t…” Demise said, looking confused.

“What do you mean it’s not you?”

“I just got here…” Demise said, still looking confused.

Sigan suddenly felt the back of his neck tingling. A…being watched feeling… Slowly he turned and gasped as he saw what’s watching him.

A tall, dark silhouette.

The girl sat bolt right up, surprised to find herself lying on the tatami mat that she used as a bed.

How did I get here? She thought, looking around wildly. Last thing I remembered was lying on the ground after being pecked by that raven.

No wait, I as lifted off the ground as well. Someone….brought me up?

Her hands touched the sides of her mat and she felt her hand touched something thin, paper-like thin. Confused, she felt something slip into between her fingers and, yes, it is a piece of paper. But it’s none of her shrine papers. This one is stiff and parchment brown, folded neatly into quarters. Fingers fumbling, she unfolded the paper and stared. There is only one word written in an elegant script.


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