Monday, February 27, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 10 - Jungle Hell

He had really meant to go to the library, truly, he did. But out of habit, he found his legs taking him to the temple again. Judging from the appearance, there’s still no sign of her. The leaves aren’t even swept on the temple grounds.

Weird, he thought. Why do I get a bad feeling about this?

He walked around the temple just in time to see a figure turning into the corner. Who is it? It’s definitely not her. Must be a tourist or someone. He quickened his pace a little and saw…


That guy must’ve been a fast runner…He thought, making his way to the huge pine tree with its omikuji papers. The guy, girl, whoever it was, must’ve been tying his omikuji slip on the tree when he arrived.

Blitz shrugged. Guess there’s no point staying here, time to hit the library.


Luna felt bile rise up to her throat as she took in the beheaded corpse whose blood is still flowing freely and fresh, with its thick coppery smell stung her nose.

“Oh come on, you seen plenty of these before when Bro kills guys in front of you.” Demise shrugged.

“What on earth did you just do to him? He’s innocent!”

“Surely you haven’t forgotten that I can possess people to do my bidding.” Demise turned the head around so that the neck is exposed. On the neck, is a tiny black rose-shaped emblem.

“What on earth are you talking about? We just met.” She said, trying to stop herself from shaking.

“Why do you keep denying? You know who we are, Sigan and Demise.” The tall broad one spoke for the first time.

Luna rubbed her forehead. “Are you kidding me? This is only the first time we met.”

Sigan stepped forward and grabbed her hard by the shoulders and stared at her eyes. She gulped. Those blood red eyes are searching her for any sign of weakness, and she’s determined not to let him see it.

“Sigan…” Demise said nervously.

“Do you remember the time you spent with him?” Sigan asked, looking menacing.

“What on earth are you all talking about?” Luna slapped his arms away. “I’m calling the sheriff.”

She turned to the door except a loud hissing sound stopped her in her tracks. It sounds like a cry. There seems to be a tremor and suddenly, she know what it is.

The plants… They’re coming to life…

Green leafy plants are rapidly growing into giants. They’re all shrieking, crying, hissing, wailing at the same time, a mixture of intertwined cacophony. The ones nearest to the door are wailing at her and blocked the door, cutting her way out. The plants even blocked the window, cutting the view from outside so that the interior became darker. Now the only source of light left is coming from the fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Wait…. She clutched her forehead. Another vision seemed to hit her head. A girl…together with a pink-haired boy, in a garden. The boy is talking animatedly to the girl.

“…Do you like my garden?... I’ll be doing your bouquet and dress…”

Demise is smiling at her serenely. “You are the only one who love plants, that’s why I made sure they won’t hurt you.”

“This is insane. I must be dreaming…” Luna said, stumbling back a little. “I must be dreaming. Probably if I pinch myself I’ll be up on my mat, sweeping the floor…”

Sigan turned to Demise, looking disgusted. “Does she think that by saying this over and over again will make us believe her?”

“I don’t know. Come on, Sis, give it up…”

“Sis? I don’t remember having a brother…“

“Aw, how can you say that? I always call you that since you first came to the palace.”

Luna finally snapped. “I don’t know who you are. Or what you guys want from m, but we just met, so leave me alone!”

As she spoke, ice erupted around her. Sharp stalagmites made out of ice, coating the surrounding around her and the ceiling above her.

“We were planning to do this the nice way but since you insisted, we’ll do this the hard way, no more negotiation.” Sigan said, his fingers strike out at her. But it looks as though she’s been possessed by another person. The timid, scared girl suddenly hurtled a blast of ice towards him, causing his legs to be frozen. The plants near her became frozen solid and shattered.

“Aw man, those were my favorite plants.” He sighed, staring at the girl before him, whose eyes are turning milky white. He held out his scythe and raised it high. “No turning back now, is it?”

Luna suddenly charged towards him, gliding on ice platforms, and shot another blast of ice towards him and he ducked. The blast hit the back of the shop which frozen and shattered.

“Demise, stop playing around and get her!” Sigan shouted, trying to free his legs from the frozen ice.

“Oh wow, Sis, you’re rather athletic.” Demise said, giving her a wink. Then gave another thought. “But of course you had been running and evading us everytime we hunt you down. Yeow!” The stalagmites that hung from the ceiling suddenly dropped on him. One caught him by the sleeve of his shirt and there was a loud rip as the material was torn. A long thin gash had appeared where the sleeve got ripped.

Plants intertwined their vines together and smashed down on the floor. Luna leapt over it and froze the entire plant in a huge iceberg. One vine caught her around the leg, but she sliced it with an ice shard. Before Demise could speak or make a move, a very thick mist blurred his vision and everything became whit and misty.

“That witch, and she said she don’t know any of us!” Sigan’s voice came form his right. “Hey, Demise, did you get her yet? Demise?!”

There was a loud smash and the mist slowly cleared. Demise saw that the entrance had been blasted apart. No, it was frozen then shattered. Ice coated around the edges of the hole like thin pieces of frost.

“Dang…” Demise said, running out, but only to find the streets empty.

Sigan had finally freed himself, and tutted as he took in his surroundings. The place is a mess of mutated plants and glittery ice frost. A nature and ice mixture. “What a mess…”

“I know…” Demise said, running over to his plants. “Are you okay, dear ones?”

“I told you not to play with her!!!” Sigan yelled. “Did you see what she just did??? She’s still an ice witch, and yet she kept on denying-”

“You two…”

Both of them turned and gulped as they see the dark silhouette standing at the entrance of the hole that the girl has made, fingering the ice. As he turned to them, he shattered the ice by grabbing a handful of it and crushing it in his bare hands.

Demise and Sigan looked at each other. “Uh oh…”

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 9 - Probing

She didn’t appear…

Blitz was standing in front of the temple grounds. Usually at the crack of dawn she will be up and about, sweeping the dead leaves that scattered all over the ground, but today she’s not around. The thought made him even more worried than before.

Did I say something wrong to her last night, he thought.

He walked around the temple grounds, having never walked around it before. There’s small shrine that sells omikuji (sacred lots) fortune telling slips in wooden boxes and some other odd bits of souvenirs. There’s also a huge pine tree at the back of the shrine, together with a wall of metal wires on one side, all tied with omikuji slips. A handwritten sign is hammered to the ground, which reads,

Fold bad luck omikuji strip and attach it to the pine tree or metal wires to prevent bad luck.

Blitz didn’t know what made him do it, but he went back to the small shrine where the omikuji box is. Picking out a shiny, silver shilling form his pocket, he toyed it around and around his fingers. A little voice in the back of his mind is telling him to think twice before depositing the shilling in.

But what harm could it do? It’s just for fun, right? And it might be amusing to see what kind of fortune he gotten besides having a long life.

He slipped it into the offering box and randomly pulled out a slip of paper-

And gasped.

Great Curse (Dai-kyō)

The word is printed in English, Romaji and Japanese characters on the slip. For some reason, it made the back of his neck and his little fingers tingled.

It’s just a fortune telling slip… His mind told him.

With fumbling hands, he went to the great pine tree at the back of the shrine, folded his slip and attached it to the tree with a firm knot. Hopefully, it’ll stay there and don’t come off.

Luna was walking down the path to the florist’s to pick up some baby trees for the temple. She had came back late at night after the Phantom had ran off only to find some of the baby trees which she had planted were cruelly tugged out of their roots and left wiltered to die. On the ground there had threatening messages by the town’s teenagers.


Her eyes suddenly felt warm and prickling, and her throat’s tightening. With shaky breaths, she sat down on the wooden bench outside of the bubble tea café and buried her face into her hands.

I never thought much of the other town’s teens because all of them hated me. She thought, letting her mind wander. Ever since I came into town, they had treated me like an outcast. How many years has it been...? 2, 3 years? I forgot. I had always been alone...

Until he came.

That Blitz guy, with golden blonde spiky hair, his grey opal eyes that is actually a kaleidoscope of rainbow if you look at it closely. He was the first person who had ever shown her kindness, even offered his hand to be her friend. Her first ever friend.

Seeing him throwing the Phantom last night to save her made her seemed…humiliated. She had always been on her own, clearing the odd paranormal bits in town, but this is the first time someone came to her aid and risked himself to save her, despite the fact that they just met. Yes, it did made her humiliated for needing a guy to rescue her, it also made her angry, angry at herself for being weak, unable to fend off a so-called Phantom.

That’s why she’s mad, but she had directed her anger at Blitz. That’s why she didn’t return to the temple but wander around the town, trying to clear her thoughts. Once or twice she had passed by Casa de Angelo, and had seen Carla Angelo clearing the plates in the kitchen. But he and the others had been long since asleep.

A sweet sounding chime jolted her out her thoughts and she gave a small yelp. The café’s clock reads 12 PM.

Lunchtime already??? Oh nooooo. She was supposed to pick up the plants at eleven thirty.

Jumping back up to her feet, she practically ran down the street, feeling panicky when-


“Ow!” She fall onto her backside with a whump.

“Are you alright?” A hand is extended out to her.

Luna could feel herself flush and getting a little angry with herself. Not again, come on, girl, pull yourself together.

She got back on her feet and felt her heart dropped for the second time this week at the person who has extended a hand to help her up.

Standing in front of her is a man, somewhere in his twenties. Even without a measuring tape, he is at least a head taller than her, who is only up to his chest. He has long black hair that is as long as hers. Eyes that are also blue like hers, but a different shade of blue. Volcanic blue, not sapphire or sky blue. He favored black a lot, a dark leather jacket that is only halfway zipped up, no vest underneath to reveal powerfully strong muscles underneath, a black leather choker with chain, dark snakeskin leather pants that fitted him nicely, no belt, but a silver chain hung from his pants, heeled chained boots and gloves. The right one covered his hand fully, whereas the left one showed of his fingers, long, slender like a pianist’s.

In other words, he’s….beautiful. Not pretty boy beautiful, but really, handsome, manly beautiful. And very bad boy looking…

Oh God, why is this happening to me??? She thought, looking awkward and even more flushed than before. Even her face is turning beet red. The first time she’s blushing very hard all because of a guy.

“You alright? I didn’t see you coming.” His voice is like soft twilight touching your senses gently.

“What? Oh, no, no, no. I’m sorry.” She said, looking down at his boots, unable to meet his face. ”I didn’t see where I was going. Oh NO!” She suddenly yelped. “I’m LATE!!!”

Without another word, she sped down the road again, leaving the handsome stranger in black behind.


“Why the glum face?” Scorpio asked, busy cooking spaghetti cabonara.

“Maybe his girlfriend dumped him.” Virgo said, trying to steal some meatballs.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say, Virgo.” Gemini said from the window, waiting for the spaghetti.

“Get your hands off the meatballs.” Scorpio said, holding out the stainless steel frying pan.

“I’m single.” Blitz said, setting the plates of spaghetti on Gemini’s tray. “And my girlfriend back in Washington had broke off with me last month.”

“Heartless.” Virgo said.

“Ouch.” Gemini winced, taking up the tray but not moving.

“Waiter!!!” A voice shouted.

“Coming!” Virgo ran out of the kitchen, notebook and pencil in hand.

“Are you thinking about that girl again?” Scorpio asked, taking out a fresh stock of spaghetti, tossed it into the pot and let it boil.

Blitz nodded silently, dressing the Caesar salad with slices of Pormeno cheese and olive oil. “She’s not at the temple. She’s always there in the morning.”

“Maybe she got some errands to do.” Gemini said. “You can’t expect her to be at the temple all the time right?”

“Waitress, where’s my spaghetti?”

Gemini rolled her eyes, picked up the tray and left. Scorpio fished out the noodles, set it down on a plate and tipped a generous amount of sauce into the plate just as Blitz said, “Scorpio, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?” He asked, setting the ladle down.

“Just…Just what is up with this town?” Blitz blurted.

“Pardon?” Scorpio said, raising an eyebrow.

“I mean, the Phantom of this town is supposed to be a myth, right?” Blitz said softly.

“Well, yeah.” Scorpio said, looking surprised. “It IS a rumour, after all.”

“But the Phantom of the Opera is real.”

“That’s just fiction, Blitz.” Scorpio peered at him curiously. “Are you sure you are feeling alright?”

Blitz sighed. This is the main reason why he had never told anyone about last night’s incident. As far as he is concerned, this is something he should keep to himself. Otherwise Aunt Carla might send him to asylum with the huge hypodermic syringe.

“Is there a library near here?”

“There’s one at 3rd Street.” Scorpio replied. “Sorry, but I got stuff to do here, otherwise I’ll take you myself.”

“That’s fine, thanks, Scor.”


Luna burst into the shop, just as the shop owner came out from the back.

“You’re late, lass.”

“I’m sorry. I got held up.” She panted, staggering over to the counter. “Do you still have the plants I ordered?”

“Sure do. Wait right there, I’ll be back.” He then retreated to the back of the shop.

Luna sat down on the wooden chair in the corner, taking in the flowers and potted plants. Everything in here smells strongly of fertilizer, earthly soil and water. She usually come down hereto relax, it’s like another world on its own, cut off from the outside. Taking all of these in made her seem more relaxed and calm.

Footsteps sounded in her ears, she turned and said, “How much do I-”

She stopped short as she saw it wasn’t the shop owner, but a pink haired and eyes boy together with a tall powerfully built man with shocking white spiky hair.

The boy form the winery… What was his name again… Demise?

“What is it?” She asked ,looking back and forth.

The boy, Demise smiled serenely. “I told you it’s her.”

“Indeed.” The man is extremely cold, he looks as though he’s made out of hard ice. He dropped something on the floor and she felt sick with disbelief.

Strands of blue hair.

Her hair.

The raven… But it can’t be…

“Oh yeah, the nice man who’s supposed to give your plant…” Demise tossed something on the space between them. It looks human like, two hands, legs and it’s wearing clothes, but it doesn’t have a head. Just a stump of its neck.

Luna felt herself shivering suddenly, as though the temperature has dropped into zero degrees. “What-”

“Oh, I’m so sorry for being rude. Here he is.” Demise held out something by the head no wait, it is a head. He held it by the hair, and it’s very familiar looking. The face, eyes, wide and blank staring at the space ahead….

Luna screamed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 8 - Phantom

Luna felt herself blown away. What she had bumped into, she thought it was just a wall, but when she turned, it was a tall dark silhouette. He wore a long dark cloak, and a dark tux underneath, with a white shirt beneath. With the black mask he wore, he looked mysterious and sexy at the same time.

Like Phantom of the Opera.

Phantom? She wondered, looking frightened.

The Phantom, whoever it is, took two long strides to reach her and she felt herself being examined from head to toe, taking her in. He even reached out to touch her, caressing her cheek with long gloved fingers. All the time taking her in with those eyes. Volcanic blue and ravenous looking, like a wolf hunting for its prey.

And I’m the prey… She thought. He’s so dashing, should I-

No, get out of here!!! The voice in her head screamed.

With a burst of strength, she shoved him aside and tried to make for the stairs, but was forced to skid into a halt as he suddenly appeared in front of her, smiling, showing off those white even teeth.

How can he reached there so fast? She thought. He was not even that near the stairs.

The Phantom seemed to be teasing her, shaking his head. With a slight flick of his hand like one of those magician tricks, he held out something to her.

A ring.

The delicate silver circlet encrusted with sapphires as blue as her eyes, interwoven with elegant designs. A magnificent work of art, it seems so out of this world.

A sharp pain zaps in her head. This ring….She thought, hypnotized by the sapphire in the middle. I seen it before… But where???

“Who-are you?” She blurted out.

The Phantom’s smile seemed to drooped a little bit, but he covered it back with his mysterious smile, completely oblivious to her question.

“Who are you?” She asked again, feeling a little less shaky as her hands flew behind her, slowly reaching for the arrows behind her. Her fingers slowly made its way up to the arrow’s tail. Come on, she thought.

The Phantom paid no heed to her questions. He’s enjoying playing with her, and that’s what he’s doing. A large swooshing sound made her look up and she saw, with her heart plummeting into gloom, that the raven who pecked her is back.

Her fingers reached the arrow’s tail at last. At that moment, the raven suddenly went flying at her, claws outstretched, black feathers flying all over the place. At the same time, Luna’s fingers whipped the arrow out and pulled it back and fired. With a musical twang like the strings of guitar being plucked, the arrow flew at the raven, who gave an indigent squarwk and flew high up the rafters, watching the scene below.

As she prepared to draw another arrow, the Phantom suddenly swooped in front of her and knocked the arrow out of her hand, sending it flying and embedding itself deeply into the wooden floor. He doesn’t seem to be playing with her anymore, now his eyes are even more ravenous than before.

He did it again… She thought, feeling her confidence shaken. He’s not human. No human can run at a great speed like that…

The Phantom reached out to her, about to close in around her with his hands when-

Something gold grabbed the Phantom and flung him aside like a ragdoll. He went crashing into the crates that was in the corner.

“Finally, I made it in time.” He said, grinning at her. “Are you alright?” He felt his heart relieved when she shook her head.

The raven flew down and pecked at him. He shouted and tried swatting it away, but it’s impossible. It pecked him on one spot then flew to another. To her horror, she could see that the raven beak is drawing blood. It did hurt her, frightened her, but it never injured her. It must be his, the Phantom’s.

But then someone did lift her up, who is it???

“Argh! Get off me, you mad bird!!!”

His voice jolted her back into reality. Luna drew out another arrow and tried to fire, but she can’t do it because the raven is flapping all around him. If she misfired, she might end up killing him with a blow through the head.

As though sensing her hesitation, the raven changed course and flew at her, not to peck her, but its sharp talons flew at the quiver strap, snapping it and causing the arrows to scattered all over the floor. The sound echoed loudly in the confined tower space.

“Darn.” She muttered, though her finger is still holding the arrow which she had drawn out. Without even thinking twice, she pulled the string back and fired. It didn’t hit the raven but it managed to stop it from pecking at Blitz, whose head is bleeding.

“Oh dear, God, Blitz, are you okay?” She asked, running to his side and examining the cut on his head.

“ ’M alright.” He mumbled, looking out of focus. “Goddamn bird.”

Luna was about to tear of part of her sleeve to bandage him when a sound made her turn and she saw, the Phantom standing behind her, the raven flapping beside him.

Without hesitating and filled with recklessness, her fingers swiped one of the fallen arrows and she fired. The Phantom didn’t even flinch or duck as the arrow came towards him, but he swung his head to the side just as the arrow reached its mark.

“Did I get him?” She said, still holding her bow out.

As though to answer her question, the Phantom turned slowly and she felt herself ready to cringe it the arrow drive into his face, but she needn’t have to, because he was showing her his mysterious ravenous smile, the arrow caught neatly in between his teeth.

“That’s sick.” Blitz muttered.

The Phantom dropped the arrow in front of his feet, glanced at them both and with a swish of his cloak, jumped through the glass window, which exploded into a thousand of shards. The raven following him behind.

Despite his injuries, Blitz ran to the window with Luna just in time to see the dark cloaked figure running with astonishing speed, barely even making a sound. They watched him till he went further and further, into the Shadow Woods and out of sight.

“Is that him, the Phantom?” Blitz asked.

Luna silently nodded, then turned to the scattered arrows on the floor. “How did you know I was here?”

“A passer-by told me.” He said, wiping the now dried blood from his face. “Thank God I made it in time though, you look like you’re in a pickle.”

“You shouldn’t have come.” She muttered, picking them up. “It was dangerous.”

“Come on, I was worried about you.” Blitz said, his hands open into a What me? Gesture.

“I am perfectly capable of taking care myself.” She said stonily, scooping the last of the fallen arrows up and gasped.

A four-lettered word, carved onto the body of the arrow. It was very thin but readable to her eyes.


Without another word, she dropped that arrow and turned on her heels, ignoring Blitz who went, “Wait!”

Just what is up with this town???? He frowned at her running figure.

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 7 - Everyone's Thoughts

Blitz was humming his favourite tune while putting the finishing touches of the lunch. The Four Seasons pizza is already baking in the oven together with some bread, and now he’s putting the salad together –Huge lettuce garnished with slices of tomatoes, onions, olives, sprinkled with pepper, olive oil and slices of cheese -, large fries sliced in huge potato sticks and a large jar cold iced tea.

“You seem in a very good mood.” Scorpio said, staring at Blitz who is putting the bowls on the wooden table.

“Of course.” Blitz said, opening the oven door and pulling out the pizza and bread. “I managed to make a friend in this place…”

“Oh, that’s great.” Scorpio said, nicking one of the fries. “Who is it?”

At that moment, there was a soft hello coming form the doorway. Scorpio turned and gave a shout of surprise.

The shrine maiden is there, looking hesitant. As always, she wears her standard shrine maiden uniform and she’s holding a basket stuffed full of jars.

“Oh hey, you made it.” Blitz said, ignoring Scorpio who’s gawping at her. “Come on in, I just served up the stuff.”

“I can’t stay long…” She muttered, averting his gaze. “I have to go somewhere.”

“Well, eat something first before you go at least.” Blitz said, ushering her into the place. “Scor, this is…um, ah, I didn’t get your name.”

“… … … … … … …Luna…”

“Scorpio, Luna.”

Scorpio held out a hand and she shook it. “Very pleased to meet you.” He said in a slightly choked voice. “You take care of the shrine?”

“Yes, I don’t come into town often.” Luna said. She then held out the basket to Scorpio. “Herbal medicine. I made them myself.”

“Come in, help yourself to some pizza, salad and fries. I even got bread…” Blitz gestured at the table.

As she made her way to the table, Scorpio said, “Ahm, Blitz, can I talk to you for a moment?”


Blitz followed him out to the corridor. He waited till they were safely outside and out of earshot before he went, “So?”


“Blitz, my man. You just hit the jackpot.” Scorpio said, shaking his head.

“I don’t get you, Scorpio.”

“She’s a… a….babe!” Scorpio blurted. “Look at her-” They both peeped from the doorway, where Luna was buttering the bread and nibbling it delicately. “-She’s cute, petite, and soft as a marshmallow.”

“Uh, yeah… I guess…” Blitz said, blushing slightly.

Scorpio gave a sigh. “I never seen her before, to be honest, dang, I wished I known her sooner.”

“You see, I told you she’s innocent!” Blitz said with triumphant air. “Come on, let’s eat.”


Demise was in the usual place in the wood, tending Sigan to his wounds. He had strip himself topless so that his well-developed six pack is shown in the light of the flames, except his body is covered with thin whip slashes that criss-crossed all over the place.

“I already tend the wounds with my herbs, they’ll heal in no time at all.” He said, setting down his herbs.

“That witch…” Sigan spat. The shrine maiden’s hair is lain carefully on a piece of cloth. He had shown up and bash him aside. Then he left, but not before asking Demise to keep the hair safe in cloth.

“If she wasn’t his favourite, she would’ve been nothing….”

“Calm down, Sigan.” Demise sighed. “This is relatively lucky compared to the last time you gotten for setting your ravens on her.”

“Calm down? She ought to be on her knees instead of being given the privilege to boss us around.”

“That’s because you can’t accept the fact a teenage girl has been given a higher privilege to boss us around.”

Sigan pulled back his tunic, looking disgruntled. Shaking back his hocking white hair, he turned and said, “Thank God we’re not staying here any longer…”

“Don’t be too sure of that.” Demise said, “She’s an escape artist. Look at the times she ran away from us…”

“Like when?”

“Like the time she used bed linens to make a long rope and slide down out of Bro’s room. ” Demise started ticking points off his fingers.

“That was a very dumb attempt.”

“What about the time she went to the dragon stables and used one of them to escape?”

“My ravens spotted her when she escaped halfway.” Sigan shifted in his seat.

“And then there’s the time she stole kitchen knives from Monsieur Galleoux’s cabinet and hacked away at the vines that I planted at her windows.” Demise winced slightly at the memory.

“Enough, we don’t need to look back at the time she ran off. Hopefully, he’ll get her then we leave.”

Easier said than though, Sigan thought, looking silently at the flames.

Luna, as she called herself, managed to take half of her lunch –She had taken a liking to the fries- before announcing that she had to leave.

“Leave?” Blitz stared at the clock. ”But it’s not even dusk yet.”

“I got something to do…” She said apologetically. “Thank you for the meal.”

“You can come for lunch if you like.” Scorpio offered, taking the dirty dishes to the sink. “You don’t seem to have anything to eat much in the temple.”

“Thank you for your kind offer, I’ll think about it.” She got up, thanked them again and left. The front door tinkled and then it stopped, signaling that she had left.

“Scorpio, what does she do?” Blitz asked as they wash up the dishes.

“A shrine maiden does lots of stuff, you know, like taking care of our town’s shrine, doing sacred cleansing, dancing a sacred dance, offer omikuji fortune telling, sell souvenirs and healing, like a shaman or a physician.”

“Really? She can heal?”

Scorpio nodded. “Before she came here, the nearest clinic is like an hour and a thirty minutes drive. I’m not complaining about the distance or anything, but what if the clients are terminally ill? They’ll be dead by then. She uses herbs for healing.”

“You have a point.” Blitz nodded. “I’ll go check up on her later, just worried, you know.”

“Oh, I know what you mean.” Scorpio winked. “Why don’t you just go now and I’ll tackle these…”

Luna stared outside of the clock tower. It was just about dusk time, so the street lights just lighted itself like round glowing orbs. The tower itself look very spooky, the brick wall colour has long since faded, and the clock face is like a white moon against the brick structure. The door is originally heavily chained, but the chain has been broke apart.

The phantom, she wondered.

Get a grip, there’s no such thing as a phantom. A voice in her head told. It could be some of those kids who are trying to play a prank on you. Just get this over with.

She reached for the doorknob, which felt as cool as china in her hand. A shiver seemed to run into her spine as she held it in her hand. Shaking the thoughts away, she pushed it open with a loud creak.

The interior of the tower is no different than its outside. There are abandoned piles of crates all over the place, and there’s flights of wooden stairs that led all the way up high to the top.

Inhaling deeply, she climbed. Every time her bare feet stepped on a step, it gave a loud creak. No one has bothered cleaning the tower ever since the clock has stopped running. There’s seemed to be no one up here. She had armed herself with a bow and quiver of arrows for emergencies but it looks she she’s not going to need it. It seemed to take forever to reach the top but when she did, she felt her breath taken away.

There’s a window on one side of the wall, which shows the view of the town form up high. Not as open as the Sierra Peaks, though, but it’s still pretty all the same. She could even see the shrine from up here.

I’ll be waiting for you at the clock tower.

What does that mean?

She was about to lean against the wall behind her when she bumped into something hard. Something….warm.

Slowly, she turned and felt her eyes widened.


Blitz was running down the stone steps of the shrine, looking rather worried. No one’s there. There’s nobody there at all. She didn’t even went back to the temple at all. He had asked a passerby whether he had seen her, and he just went, “If yer looking for the lassie, she went to the tower. The tower’s the home of the Phantom. ”

Why the tower ? Blitz thought, running into the Mayor’s street, where the place is. I just have a very bad feeling about this.

“Hey you!” A voice called out. “You can’t trespass here, this is private property!”

Blitz skidded to a halt and turned to find a young man, looking at him with suspicious eyes.

“Sorry, but I’m looking for the shrine maiden.”

“There’s no shrine maiden coming by here.” The young man said, looking stern. “Who are you?”

“WHAT??? Dude, can’t you just let me pass?”

“No, and you’re coming with me to the Mayor’s.” The young man approached him.

Blitz groaned and grabbed the young man by the collar and throw him onto the floor, knocking the lights out of him. Without another moment, he sprinted for the clock tower.

What’s with that guy though? He should’ve seen her gone by, so why did he say she didn’t come by here?

When he’s out of sight, he didn’t see that Demise has appeared, dressed like the Grim Reaper, wielding a huge scythe with a dangling flower shaped keychain, glancing down at the knocked out man.

“I never expected that to happen.” He said, looking completely unruffled. “Who’s that guy anyway?”

He then knelt down beside the knocked out man and turned him over. On the back of his neck, there’s a rose-shaped emblem. His emblem.

Shaking his head, he swung his scythe once. Something went flying into the air and went splat onto the ground.

“Aw, there goes a good head.” Demise said, staring down at the lifeless body. “Oh well…”


“What’s wrong with these stairs?!!!!!” Blitz yelled as he ran up the stairs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 6 - Bonding Friendship

The shrine maiden as usual was sweeping up the dead leaves when Blitz showed up, holding two carrier bags.

“Hi.” He said as he climbed the last of the steps.

“What do you want?” She asked without facing him. “Do you want to have your fortune told again?”

“Uh-uh.” Blitz said, shaking his head. “I brought meals for the both of us. We can eat it together.”

The maiden faced him, her broom held loosely in her hands. Her eyes, he noted, they’re not just like pieces of the sky, but more like luminous exotic sapphires. “Having a meal….together?”

“Yeah.” Blitz said, holding out one of the carrier bags to her. “Come on, you deserve a break.”

It was hard to tell what the maiden is thinking, but after what seems like five minutes or so, hesitating, she took the carrier bag from him, saying very softly til he nearly couldn’t catch what she’s saying. “We can sit by the temple…”

“Sounds good.”

Moments later, they were sitting on the raised wooden platform of the shrine. He noticed that the shrine maiden nibbled at her food, and rarely talking. Poor girl, he thought, remembering how he first met her. It must’ve been hard for her, being shunned by the teenagers of the town.

“Your wrist!” He suddenly exclaimed. “Is it okay?”

The girl showed him her wrist, the sleeve of her haori pulled back. The bluish black bruise is still there, but has faded a little.

“’Does it still hurt?” He asked.

“I’m already used to it.” She said. Her voice, unlike that day, is soft, mellow like the gentle flow of water instead of passive and hard like solid ice.

“They shouldn’t do that to you.” Blitz said, stabbing into his pasta. “What gives the right to judge you?”

“That’s their problem.” The girl said softly, putting down her half-eaten pasta. “I’m not from this town. I’m an outsider.”

Blitz’s ears perked up. “You’re…an outsider? But, you parents live here right?”

The girl stared at him. “I don’t have parents.”

“What about brothers, or sisters? Anyone?” He trailed off as she shook her head.

“I don’t know.” She said, staring at the sky, which is now as blue as her hair.

Blitz choked on his Italian soda til she turned to him, her face expressionless, but her eyes showed a hint of compassion. “You okay?”

“You…don’t know… anything? Amnesia?” He gasped, eyes watering.

The girl nodded. “I don’t know who am I, or where I came from. I was found washed ashore the river in the Shadow Woods. Mayor Richards found me and took me in, saying that I’ll be able to find my memories.”

“That’s kind of him.” Blitz said softly. He then caught sight of her face. “You got some sauce on your face.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. She murmured her thanks and took it, wiping her face.

They didn’t see a tall dark silhouette standing under the tree watching them, dressed head to toe in black, hidden in the trees shadows. The silhouette watched them for a few moments or so, then left.

“Thank you.” The girl said in her soft tone.

“Hey, it’s no big deal…” Blitz said, clearing up the empty containers and soda bottles. “If you like, we can have lunch later on.”

The girl shrugged. ”I don’t know….”

“Come on. You can come down to the town tomorrow. Do you know where’s Casa de Angelo?”

“You mean Gemini Angelo’s place? I’ve been there to buy grape wine for prayers.”

“Great.” Blitz said. “Then come by for lunch. I can cook the best pizza that you had ever made.”

“Alright…” The girl gave in. “I’ll be there…”


“Why are you being nice to me?” She asked abruptly.

Blitz gave a no-big shrug. “I don’t like seeing people bullying others. And, I want to know more about you.” He then held out his hand. “Friends?”

The girl felt her heart stop still for a moment. Friends? Friends? She never thought she could make any friends in this town. Given the fact that she’s a witch, according to the teenagers. And this guy, who recently just moved into town, had offered to be her friend.

She stared at his hand, still out, then slowly held it.

“Friends.” She whispered.

When Blitz had left, she resumed to sweeping up the leaves. Except she couldn’t focus, her mind is filled with just a single thought. Friends, friends, friends, friends…. I actually have a friend… Strange boy, but he considers me as a friend.

A caw shook her out of her thoughts and she looked up and felt a tinge of annoyance. There’s that raven again. It has been bugging her since that boy, Blitz came. But it might have nothing to do with him.

“Shoo!” She said, ignoring it.

The raven stood very still, its blood red eyes staring up at her. She could see herself reflected in those eyes, and felt a chill up her spine. It’s just a raven for goodness sake , she calmed herself. What harm could it do to you?

The raven suddenly gave a squawrk and flew at her, flapping at her face, pulling out bits of her hair. She gave a shriek and tried to fan it off but it just kept tugging at her hair, refusing to let go.

Suddenly a stone flew past her and the raven gave an angry caw, flying away with strands of her hair in its beak. Shaking rather badly, the girl collapsed to the ground.

What was that all about? She thought, her thoughts spinning wildly. Why did it attack me???

Darkness is slowly engulfing her but she could hear the faint sound of boot heels clacking against the stone grounds of the temple…


Darkness then swallowed her and she gave in peacefully. Last thing she remembered though, was being lifted off the ground.

Sigan had hidden himself in the Shadow Woods when Demise appeared in a breeze of rose petals.

“Darn you, why did you stop me?” He spat. Some the girl’s hair are in his hands, like strands of blue threads in the shadows.

“I didn’t…” Demise said, looking confused.

“What do you mean it’s not you?”

“I just got here…” Demise said, still looking confused.

Sigan suddenly felt the back of his neck tingling. A…being watched feeling… Slowly he turned and gasped as he saw what’s watching him.

A tall, dark silhouette.

The girl sat bolt right up, surprised to find herself lying on the tatami mat that she used as a bed.

How did I get here? She thought, looking around wildly. Last thing I remembered was lying on the ground after being pecked by that raven.

No wait, I as lifted off the ground as well. Someone….brought me up?

Her hands touched the sides of her mat and she felt her hand touched something thin, paper-like thin. Confused, she felt something slip into between her fingers and, yes, it is a piece of paper. But it’s none of her shrine papers. This one is stiff and parchment brown, folded neatly into quarters. Fingers fumbling, she unfolded the paper and stared. There is only one word written in an elegant script.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 5 - The Rumour

Sacred Heart Catholic High.

That’s the name of the school he’s standing outside. The structure looks ancient, with ancient brown brick walls with creeping leafy ivys. The windows are huge square paned glass, and the doors are mahogany brown. The bright green lawn surrounding the building looks like a huge green pool, decorated with colourful flowers. The gravel path which leads up to the school is also earthy brown. Everything about it reads earthly, calm and relaxation.

While waiting for the bell to ring, he’s munching on Pane carasau, or carta da musica, is a traditional flatbread from Sardinia which Scorpio baked himself. Buttery and freshly baked from the oven. He had munched on it halfway when the bell rang. It sounded like a bell calling for prayers, except it’s signaling the end of school.

The doors opened and boys and girls, aged 13 to 17 came piling out with bustling sounds and chatters. The boys wore cream coloured blazer with a white long sleeved shirt, coral blue necktie and light grey pants . The girls wore cream coloured long sleeved blouse with a black white collar, a bright sunshine yellow scarf, long or knee length grey pleated skirts which are similar to the sailor uniforms in Japan. The only thing they wore in common are dark socks with brown loafers.

Gemini spotted him and she came over, ignoring the stares she’s getting from others.

“Hi, Blitz. Where’s Virgo?”

“He’s sleeping in. So I came to pick you up.”

“Why don’t we head to the tea shop and talk? We’re getting stared at by everyone…” She said, glancing at the girls whose look of jealousy. Oops, Blitz thought, I don’t think they seen me before…

The tea shop is actually a bubble tea shop. Everywhere he observes, the staffs are mixing the milk and tea together and then putting them on a machine where it shakes hard til the tea becomes bubbly and added coconut pearly jellies at the bottom. And everywhere is calm and tranquil, and decorated in a Japanese style. Low tables with soft squashy cushions and all with dangling paper lanterns.

“What is it you want to talk about?” Gemini asked as the waiter brought their cups of bubble tea over, chilled and sealed at the top with fancy thin plastic strips.

“Scorpio said that the shrine maiden is associated with the Phantom.” Blitz said, stabbing his straw hard into the thin plastic strip.

“Oh, that’s not really true…” Gemini said, stabbing her cup and taking a huge slurp. “The shrine maiden is weird, but it’s just that she doesn’t want to get involved with the Phantom trouble.”

“Tell me…”

Gemini took another huge slurp, sucking the tea with the pearl jellies, and then went, “After she arrived here a few years or so, girls started disappearing. At first, no one took much notice. But after seven girls disappeared, well, people started whispering at her, since she’s plain looking and regularly does her strange rituals. The Mayor was the one who took her in, so no one dared to say anything directly to her face or him. But when more and more girls started disappearing, well, the teenagers then started assaulting her. Stealing the shrine stuff, chopping off all of her plants and throwing stuff at her, you get the picture. Sheriff Moses put a stop to that as soon as he heard it but when he’s not around, that’s when they start getting nasty with her. Il mio punto?”

Blitz shook his head. “That sounds so wrong.”

“Well, what can you do about it?” Gemini said, fishing out the pearl jellies. “The teenagers here are aggressive. Did you see how they glare at me?”

“I noticed.”

“Well, our school dance is coming up…” Gemini said, shrugging. “And we don’t have much American guys here. Most of them are Asians…so you can’t exactly blame them…” Her eyes then flicked past his shoulders. “Speak of the devil.”

“Hi, Gemini.” A group of girls in Sacred Heart Catholic High uniforms had came over to their table. Asians, Blitz noted, their petite frame, naturally straight hair and silted chocolate brown eyes and fair skin. “Who’s your boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Gemini retorted. “’He’s my cousin.”

“We never seen you before. What’s your name?” One of them asked.

“Blitz…Blitz Worringthon.”

“Oh my gosh, he’s American.” One of the girls swooned.

“He’s accent is so sexy.” Another said.

“Will you be coming to our school dance?” A third asked.

“Blitz graduated in Washington since last three months ago.” Gemini said stonily.

“Oh, but we are allowed to bring guests right?” The girl who spoke first said. “You should bring him to the dance, Gem.”

“We’ll see.”

The girls then left, glancing back every now and then with eager curiousity.

“Well, that’s…unexpected.” Blitz said.

“Hmph. They’re only being friendly because they want you to come.” Gemini said, plonking a ten dollar bill on the table. “Come on, we better head back before Scorpio starts hopping.”


Demise was waiting for him at the usual place when Sigan touched down.

“Hey,” He said.

“Want is it?”

“I got a message for you from him.” When Sigan didn’t answer, he then continued. “’Bring her back alive.’”

“Easier said than done.” Sigan muttered. “That witch flung her broomstick at me.”

“Probably trying to get rid of you.” Demise snickered. “I’m just joking,” He hastily added as Sigan turned to him. “Anyway, did you get the message or no?”

“Did he say I could hit her?”

“Uh, about that…” Demise said, shifting a little uneasily in his seat. “He also said, “If you hurt her even by a scratch, I’ll kill you .” ”

Sigan grunted. “Fine.”

“Where are you going?”

“He wanted her back, then I’ll bring her to him.” Sigan said.

“You know where he is right?”

Sigan nodded and said, “Once we bring her back, we’ll be out of this place. The food here stinks.”

“Harsh.” Demise said, poking the fire when he left. ”The girls here are cute…”


The next morning before anyone was up, Blitz raided the kitchen by taking a large portion of pasta, some caramel rolls leftover from last night, and two Italian sodas from the huge storage fridge. These he sorted the meal into two carrier bags and headed up to the shrine.

He was unaware that a large raven was staring at him with its blood red eyes from the top of a tree.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 4 - The Shrine Maiden

He had never seen anything like her before. Her build is petite, like a nymph, sort of. Her hair falls past her shoulders like a waterfall, the colour of a luminous blue of the pale blue sky, matching her eyes, framed with long lashes. Her skin is somewhere in between milky pale and sickly pale, though it looks as though it’s glowing like the colour of soft moonlight. She looks so plain, like an average Asian girl, but somehow, Blitz can’t help but feel drawn to her.

As he neared her, she suddenly pointed her broom at him, wielding it like a naginata, the sharp ends meeting him.

“Who are you?” She asked, her voice wary.

“Whoa, watch it!” Blitz yelped, staring at the pointing ends of the broom. They look like thousands of spiked needles which can bring you the most painful jabs that you have ever taken.

Hastily, he added, “What are you doing here?”

“I live here.” She said, still pointing the broom at him.

“Er-very nice place you have here.” He said lamely.

The girl kept staring at him, her gaze quite passive, not unfriendly, but hard. The traditional shrine maiden clothes she wore, a long red slightly pleated skirt tied with a bow, a white haori (which is a kimono jacket) with bellowing sleeves that blew in the wind, with a thin red ribbon. Without a word, she resumed back to sweeping the dead leaves, though her gaze remained unchanged.

“Um, name’s Blitz Worringthon. I’m new…” He said, holding out a hand.

“You’re not one of them?” She asked suspiciously.

“Those guy? No. And I just moved here.” He then caught sight of her wrist. “Your wrist…”

“It’s nothing. “ She said, flicking her sleeves so that it covers the bruise. “I’m used to it… ”

“Are you sure?”

The girl nodded and headed towards the shrine. Unsure of what to do and curiosity tempting him, he followed her into the interior. There’s nothing special about it. Inside there’s a long low table with cushions with a number of calligraphy brushes, inks, various papers and some ema – wooden plagues with all kinds of patterns -, used for prayers and wishes.

He caught sight of the small altar that the teenagers had taken from her. Now it’s draped with a worn out cloth and a small fruit bowl placed on top of it.

“Do you tell fortunes?”

“That depends on what the future holds…” The shrine maiden said.

“Show me.”

The shrine maiden held out her hand for his and he let her. Her touch is cool and soft, the feeling like soft ice or snow. She gazed at his palm and said, “You will live a life long life.”


“That depends on you.” The shrine maiden said, dropping his hand. “If you have nothing else to do, then please leave.”

Blitz shrugged and turned, making his way out. As he crossed the wooden doorway he turned back, but her back is facing him. He didn’t want to leave so soon, but something inside warned him not to push her.

Finally, he just turned and left.


“You went up to the shrine???” Scorpio asked, looking shocked. The cheese that he’s boiling lay forgotten til Virgo darted in and turned off the hob as the thick bubbling yellow mass was about to drip its mess all over the sides.

“What’s wrong with it?” Blitz asked, looking a little irritated.” The teenagers were being rude to her…”

“Word of advice, Blitz. To the townsfolk, meddling with the shrine maiden will bring you bad luck.”

“How can you say that?” Blitz said, slapping his uneaten bread roll back into the bread basket. “She’s just a human, just like everyone else.”

Scorpio set the knife down and sighed. “Listen, you still don’t know much about the town right? ”

“I been as far as to the shrine…”

“Well, haven’t you heard of the Phantom?”

“You mean like Phantom of the Opera?” Blitz said with sarcasm.

“Uh-uh…” Scorpio said, “This is a real phantom, not a fake. The townsfolk said the shrine maiden and the phantom were working hand in hand together, causing the young girls to disappear.”

“Who came up with that nonsense?”

“You should ask Gem, she goes to the town school. That’s where the rumour started.”

“You know, maybe I will….”


Sigan in raven form flew down to where the shrine maiden is, still sweeping up the dead leaves. She caught sight of him and flung her broom at him, causing him to squarwk at her in anger.

Blast that girl, he cursed in his thoughts. If that’s the case, maybe he tell him… He can take it over from here…

Resisting the urge to peck her eyes out, he flew away, ignoring the hostile glare that the shrine maiden is giving him.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Story of Blitz : Chapter 3 - Sierra's Amethyst

Blitz woke up at the crack of dawn. The clock on his bedside reads 6.30 a.m. Okay, maybe it’s not really the crack of dawn.

He have to admit, Gemini did work hard to decorate the room. The walls are decorated with faded beige flowery wallpapers. The duvet sheets are blue and smelled of Carla’s favourite freshener. Honeysuckle and lavender. Gem, no doubt, had hung Tweet Birds curtains on his window, which looks out to the towering sierras. An antique wardrobe took up one space and a bookshelf took up the others. It’s empty except for a few of Scorpio’s old books and a small wicker basket of magazines, most likely placed there by Gemini.

Although everything feels like home, he doesn’t feel happy. Because everything here is…dull. Back in Washington, everything is always bustling in and out.

Blitz shrugged and went to grab his clothes for casual dressing, then made his way to the kitchen where all three Angelo siblings have gathered, wide awake. When Gemini spotted him, she went, “Ah, he’s here.”

“Why do I have to be up here as well?” Virgo grumbled.

“Be quiet, you midget.” Scorpio snapped. “You know perfectly well why you’re here.”

Gemini, who had been counting dollar notes and depositing them into a small money bag, asked, “Are we going to show him or not?”

“Of course.” Scorpio gestured at Blitz to follow him.

Few minutes later, plus a blindfolded Blitz pulled up in front of a building, which looks so plain, with square paned windows and a plain perplex door, but it makes up for it by having a huge vineyard, but not fully grown yet.

“Come on.” Virgo said, leading him forwards. After a few moments, the blindfold was removed and…

“What is this place?” Blitz asked. They are inside the cool interior of the building. Everywhere is nothing but barrels. Barrels made out of oak, all labelled neatly. A counter stood at one end, with an antique cash register and a silver call bell. Behind the counter, a leather satchel hung on a row of pegs.

“What do you think?” Scorpio asked.

“it’s just a winery.” He commented.

Gemini threw him a glare that could probably harden the hottest lava. “Just a WINERY????”

“It’s Gem’s winery.” Virgo explained in a rather bored voice.

Blitz’s ears turned red. “My mistake.”

“Show him, Gem.” Scorpio said.

Gemini went behind a counter, rummaged a few moments or so, then brought out a small bottle of wine, rich in royal purple and sparkling as though it is encrusted with diamonds. It smells wondrously of freshly harvested grapes.

“Here.” She handed him the bottle. “See what you think.”

He peered at the label. “Sierra’s Amethyst?”

“My invention.” Gemini said softly. “Do you like it?”

“It’s pretty good. Chilly and sweet. With natural grape ingredients.” Blitz said, sipping it greedily in one gulp.

“Gem makes the best wine in town…” Virgo explained.

Meanwhile, Scorpio was rummaging through a drawer, muttering, “Mmms”,” uh-uhs”,” nopes”, “hmmms,” and finally, “Ah, here it is.”

Virgo gave a moan as he saw what it was in Scorpio’s hand. “Oh no, no no no no no.”

“Here you are.” Scorpio said.

“No, anything but that-” Virgo began but Scorpio grabbed him into a headlock and flung the photo towards Blitz, who caught it and scanned it first. At first, he was very surprised, but then later, he couldn’t help but shook with laughter.

It was photo of Gemini doing pretty cool bar tricks, like Tom Cruise. Scorpio’s right beside her, looking professional, and right beside him…

Blitz gave a snort of laughter as Virgo moaned and buried his face into his hands.

Virgo, dressed all in purple, with a huge grape hat on top of his head with its leafy stems, looking absolutely peeved.

The current Virgo glared at Scorpio who is still holding him in a headlock. “You can let go off me now, since I already died of embarrassment.”

Scorpio let him go and he stomped over to the counter where Gemini is sorting money into the compartment. He reached over and dug out some cash much to Gemini’s annoyance. “If you want a loan, interest rate has gone up by 5 percent.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Virgo dug out some wads of bank notes. “Who cares, right?”


Scorpio had threw the leather satchel in his direction, hitting his chest.

“You want cash, then go and earn them.”

“I’m not your lapdog.”

Blitz, who had been sipping greedily, went, “What?”

“Virgo delivers wines in the town.” Gemini explained, arranging several bottles on the counter top, all wrapped in thick brown paper and tied with strings.

“Sounds fun.” Blitz remarked.

“You want to do it?” Virgo asked. “Then I’ll gladly give it to you.”

“Oh no you don’t.” Scorpio said sharply. “This job is yours, and yours alone.”

“I don’t mind doing the job.”

Scorpio eyed him warily. “Blitz, do you even know your way around Sierra Falls?”

“Well…no.” He admitted sheepishly.

“I can show him around.” Virgo offered.

Scorpio eyed him with mistrust. “Are you sure?”


“Alright then.” Scorpio was in no mood for an argument. He have to prepare breakfast for four rooms and order a fresh stock of flour for pizza dough because they’re running low of them. “Blitz, if that midget slack off, then I grant you my full permission to punch him.”


He then left, ignoring Virgo’s protests. Stonily, he turned to Blitz, who said, “Shall we deliver?”


As soon as they have left, Demise, wearing a purple and white sweater, blue baseball cap with the bill facing outwards and baggy maroon pants , swaggered in, like some beanpole model.

“Gemini!” He exclaimed happily.

Gemini looked up from her wine sorting and greeted him. “Well, if it isn’t my regular customer.”

“The usual please.”

“That much?”


As Gemini was wrapping the bottles, the door swung open and a girl entered.

“Um, I’ve ordered some wine yesterday…for prayers...” She said softly, holding out a bill.

“Ah, of course. Here it is.” Gemini handed her a couple of large round bottles and bagged them. “Here you are. That’ll be forty-five dollars. Grazie.”

As the girl passed Demise, holding her bottles, he stared at her in shock, his heart thudding hard. No, it can’t be-

“Wait! Do I know you? “ He blurted out.

The girl stared at him silently and said, “No…You must’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

She then left, leaving him in utter shock.


Mrs Parker opened the door on the second knock to find Virgo standing outside with a case filled with six wines, neatly wrapped in plastic.

“Why, if it isn’t little Virgil.”

“It’s Virgo.” He muttered, ears turning red. “And here’s the wine you ordered, Mrs Parker.”

After he had collected the payment, he went back to where Blitz is waiting on his bike.

“Mrs Parker is a nightmare.” He wiped his brow. “She keeps calling my name wrongly. It’s Virgo, not Virgil.”

As they drove down the road, something caught Blitz’s eye. A group of teenager around his age, standing in a semi-circle.

“What’s that?”

Virgo barely glanced his way. “Oh, just a bunch of kids from the next street.”


Blitz braked the bike so suddenly that Virgo lurched forwards in his seat. “Hey, what gives?!’

As Blitz got off the bike, a girl was shoved onto the pavement by another girl.


“Give it back.” The girl said threateningly.

“So that you can go on hexing us? I don’t think so.” The girl who shoved her sneered.

Provoked, the girl who was shoved sprung like an angry cat and started trying to claw the other girl but her friends shoved the other girl away, causing her to stumble.

“Did you see that?” The girl said. “That witch tried to claw my eyes out.”

“Go back to your temple, witch.” A guy taunted.

“Stay away from our town.”

“Hey, hold it!” Blitz intervened, jumping in between them.

“Who are you?” The guy asked.

“Hey look, isn’t that Virgo?” One of the girls said.

“Oh, you’re Signora Carla’s nephew. ”

“So it is. OI!!!!”

The girl had tackled the other girl while they are all talking, finally managing to retrieve her possession. It is a small altar stand, something that you normally used in prayers. Without even looking back, she ran off with it tucked under her arm.

“Well, good riddance.” The girl scowled, picking herself up. “You should stay away from her, new guy. She’s a witch.” She added to Blitz.


“Dude, didn’t you know?” The guy had lowered his voice into a whisper. “Ever since she arrived here, girls had been disappearing.”

“I heard she cast hexes on the girls because she’s too plain looking.” The girl said darkly.

“You should stay away from the temple.” The guy jerked his head at a temple in the distance. “That’s where she lives.”

They all then left, leaving Blitz alone with Virgo.

“Did you see how they treat her?” Blitz whirled on Virgo.

“They always do that to her.” He shrugged.

“Aren’t you even sorry for her?” Blitz asked.

“Dude, at least I don’t tease her like that. ” He muttered, looking a little offended.

Blitz stared at the temple in the distance, looking thoughtful.

“How do I get to the temple?”

Virgo pointed at a road down some shops. “There’s a path that leads to a flight of stone steps. Just climb all the way up.”


“Before you go there,” Virgo points in. “Would you mind dropping me off first?”



A large raven perched itself on top of a tree, watching the shrine maiden sweeping up leaves in front of a temple. He had went up there as soon as Demise in haste had reported back to him.

“It’s her. I do really think it’s her. She doesn’t recognize me though. I don’t know why she bothers pretending, she can’t fool him.”

Even as he watched, a large stone was thrown and it hit her wrist, causing a bluish-black bruise.

“Freak! Don’t step into our town!”

“Stop hexing all those poor girls and just leave!”

Sigan cocked his head to one side. Oh, she’s getting blamed for his and Demise’s doing. He made sure that the bodies were never found but it seems that someone has been noticing. Catching sight of a group of teens, he gave a smile in his mind. He’s definitely going to enjoy this.


“Hey, leave her alone!”

Blitz came sprinting up the steps just in time to see another group of teenagers hurling stones at the girl, who is steadily ignoring them, despite the fact that her wrist stings from the bruise.

When the teenagers saw him, instead of running, one of them said, “You’re helping her?”

“Did she hoodwink you with her spells?”

“No, she did not.” Blitz shouted in anger. “Get out of here before I call the sheriff.”

It was kind enough of Virgo to let him know that the town has a sheriff, the equivalent to cops in the cities. The sheriff is the one who often keeps things in order, including keeping the teenagers away from the girl.

The teenagers glared at him and scampered, dropping the stones with a clatter. Shaking his head, Blitz turned to the girl –

And stared.